War in Ukraine: Volodymyr Zelensky before the UN Security Council after visiting Boutcha

The Ukrainian president will speak on Tuesday before the UN Security Council, after the discovery of massacres attributed to Russian forces near kyiv.

A historic speech: for the first time since the beginning of the conflict, Volodymyr Zelensky will speak this Tuesday before the UN Security Council. The day before, the Ukrainian president went to Boucha near kyiv, where Russian forces are accused of having perpetrated massacres on civilians.

The leader denounced “war crimes” and one “genocide” after the update of dozens of corpses wearing civilian clothes in Boutcha and other localities near the Ukrainian capital.

In a video broadcast overnight from Monday to Tuesday, Volodymyr Zelensky confirmed this intervention, which we do not know if it will take place live or delayed. “The time will come when every Russian will learn the whole truth about who among their compatriots killed. Who gave the ordershe said in this video, calling for tougher sanctions on Moscow and more arms to be delivered to his country.

You are here and you can see what happened. We know thousands of people have been killed and tortured, limbs torn, women raped and children killed

Volodymyr Zelensky

Earlier Monday, he had gone to Boutcha where dozens of corpses were found in this small town located about thirty kilometers northwest of kyiv, after the withdrawal of Russian forces.

You are here and you can see what happened. We know thousands of people have been killed and tortured, limbs torn, women raped and children killed“, he declared during an improvised press briefing, after having walked a few meters in a street in the city center, strewn with the shredded carcasses of Russian personnel carriers and armored vehicles, in the middle of destroyed houses. .

According to the Ukrainian president, 300 people, “only in Boutcha, were killed and tortured“.

Russia has denied any responsibility, assuring Monday that it would present “documents“showing, according to her, the”true natureof the events that took place in Boutcha.

SEE ALSO – Civilians killed in Boutcha in Ukraine: satellite images contradict Russian claims

Unanimous conviction

The discovery of thesewar crimesprovoked outrage from Ukraine’s Western allies who promised new sanctions “this weekagainst Russia.

“He has to be accountable,” US President Joe Biden said on Monday of his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, repeating that he considered him a “war criminal“.

White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said the discussions included possible measures.related to energy“, a very sensitive subject for Europeans, very dependent on Russian gas. Germany thus clarified on Monday that it could not do without Russian gas deliveries “short term“, by the voice of its Minister of Finance, Christian Lindner.

SEE ALSO – Ukraine: Zelensky calls for Russia to be ‘held accountable’ for ‘crimes’ and excluded from UN Security Council

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