War in Ukraine: why is the partial mobilization in Russia slipping?

Nicholas Tonev

In Russia, the partial mobilization launched within the framework of the war in Ukraine causes the exodus of hundreds of Russians. Faced with a shortage of soldiers, the Russian government recruited prisoners and immigrants. Obsessed with the war in Ukraine, Russia is abandoning Central Asia, reviving two military conflicts in the area.

This may not be what the Kremlin had planned. In Russia, it is difficult to provide precise figures on those who refuse mobilization to go to the Ukrainian front. But the images at the Georgian and Finnish border reveal the extent of this migration. Several thousand people are trying to flee at all costs. On the spot, difficult to say who will be mobilized. Recruitment seems to be done despite age, common sense, trades, people.

Prisoners and recruited immigrants

For example, the Russian railways have been ordered to provide 10,000 people while they are already struggling to fulfill their mission to supply the army on the Ukrainian front. The search for men also continues in the prisons. According to some opposition sites, there are already 20,000 to 30,000 convicts who have signed up to go to the front. And to fill the last places, it is immigrant workers from Central Asia who are encouraged to enlist with the promise of obtaining a Russian passport in one year of military contracts, instead of the five years necessary in civilian life.

Difficulties in maintaining peace in Central Asia

The Russian army and Russian diplomacy are weakened. Results, in Central Asia, two conflicts revive: one between Azerbaijan and Armenia, the other between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. There are already several hundred deaths in a few weeks on these fronts. Faced with the situation, Moscow does not have the means to operate the Collective Security Treaty Organization of which it is the patron saint in the region. One more sign that the Russian military are overwhelmed by all the missions imposed on them.

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