War in Ukraine: Zemmour designates NATO “responsible” and refuses to welcome refugees

The President of Reconquest! prefers that the Ukrainians go into exile in Poland and offers to help the country to welcome them.

He describes himself as “the statesman who sees beyond emotion“. Invited on RTL this Monday morning, Éric Zemmour defended a unique position among the candidates for the presidential election. While there are now nearly 400,000 Ukrainian refugees, the president of Reconquête! claimed not to be in favor of their reception in France. A choice heassume“.

I understand the French. They are sincerely moved and I am with them, to see these people resist valiantly under the bombs“, he first said. Before mentioning “the heart“… and “the head“. The one who makes him say that he isit’s not good to tear people away from their country like that”, nor of “destabilize France already overwhelmed by immigration“.

“I prefer them to be in Poland”

Instead of a reception in his country, Éric Zemmour offers to help Poland – where a large number of Ukrainians have already exiled themselves. “I prefer them to be in Poland because they are their neighbors and so they can more easily return home when the war is over.“, justified the candidate, who proposes that the European Commission lift the financial sanctions against the country.

On the origin of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, the former polemicist, targeted for his pro-Putin positions, also wanted to be clear. According to him, Vladimir Putin is a “authoritarian democrat” and “the only aggressor“. However, he adds adistinction“, specifying that the leader is not “not solely responsible“. “He’s the aggressor. He’s the only culprit. He decided to attack and not respect Ukrainian sovereignty“, he thus insisted the former polemicist. Before adding:That doesn’t mean he’s solely responsible. A war never has a single culprit.”

If he thinks “landed“by this”fratricidal confrontation“-“see these poor Ukrainians being massacred by the Russian army” him “heartbreak-, Éric Zemmour would therefore like to point out that the responsibility is shared. In particular by “the French, the Germans, the Americans, who have not enforced the Minsk agreements and who have constantly extended NATO so that it is around Russia as a kind of encirclement“. “The culprit is Putin, those responsible are NATO, which has continued to expand. It’s not the same thing“, he hammered again.

Immediately invited to react to these remarks on the set of Europe 1, the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Clément Beaune, judged them “unworthy“. “He tries to make people forget that he was praising Vladimir Putin a few days ago“, he denounced, qualifying this”admiration» of «mistake” and of “madness“. “Today, courage is on the Ukrainian side, he added. And to conclude:Putin is in the East, but the Putinists are in the West. (…) All these people who give us lessons in patriotism and sovereignty have in fact betrayed the interests of Europe.»

SEE ALSO – Ukraine: the extension of NATO “is seen legitimately as an aggression by Russia”, says Zemmour

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