Wardrobe detox: 3 questions to help you declutter

Detox for the closet
3 questions make clearing out very easy

Detox your closet now

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The closet is full, but you still have nothing to wear? Do you know the dilemma? Then it’s high time for a wardrobe detox! It only takes three questions to really make decluttering easier for you.

25 white T-shirts, ten blue jeans, five gray hoodies and in between an infinite number of different items of clothing that are threatening to disappear under the pile of textiles. Many people are probably familiar with the dilemma of having a closet that is too full. Are you one of them? Then three simple questions should help you to get a little perspective again.

Finally order in the closet

How much time would you save if you didn’t search for the perfect outfit every day, but simply took a look in the closet and saw the piece in question right in front of your eyes? As much as we like to shop as much as we can, as much as we love having the freedom to choose from a seemingly endless flood of clothes – it’s quite overwhelming. And above all unnecessary. Because in the end we reach for our favorite jeans, our favorite dress or our favorite skirt. We rarely realize how much we really have in the closet. High time for a closet detox!

Wardrobe detox: Here’s how

The cold season is perfect for a wardrobe detox, because you don’t miss anything outside. Take every single piece of clothing you own and ask yourself these three questions:

  1. Does it fit you?
  2. have you worn it three times
  3. do you love it

If you answer one or more questions with “No”, you can be sure that you are holding a so-called closet corpse in your hands – i.e. a piece of clothing that you can safely dispose of. Because you won’t miss it if 1. it doesn’t fit you anyway, 2. you haven’t worn it three times yet and 3. you don’t love it. Then this part just takes up space and maybe even blocks your view of a part that you like much better!

The more often the better

This procedure is a bit tedious at the beginning. It costs time and nerves. But if you develop a routine, cleaning it out monthly or at least once a quarter, it will soon be much faster and easier to do.


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