Warning about Putin’s imperialism: Military expert: German combat mission on NATO border possible

Warning about Putin’s imperialism
Military expert: German combat mission on NATO border possible

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The military historian Neitzel fears the worst. It could be that Germans would soon have to fight against Russian troops. Kremlin leader Putin wants to “restore the empire.” The operational capability of the Bundeswehr must be improved quickly.

The military historian Sönke Neitzel believes it is possible that the Bundeswehr will soon have to go to war against Russian troops. “We cannot rule out that German soldiers will have to fight to defend NATO territory in a few years,” he said in an interview with “Spiegel”.

Russian President Vladimir Putin wants to “reverse NATO’s eastward expansion and restore the empire,” warned Neitzel. This “imperial claim of Moscow” goes hand in hand with “a great willingness to make sacrifices” in Russian society. Defense Minister Boris Pistorius must therefore quickly improve the operational capability of the Bundeswehr. “Pistorius must set up the Bundeswehr so ​​that it can fight in five years,” demanded the historian who teaches at the University of Potsdam.

The Federal Government’s intention to permanently station a combat brigade in Lithuania by 2027 is correct. “Lithuania’s army only consists of around 15,000 men and women, it doesn’t have a single battle tank. In the event of a Russian attack, we shouldn’t have to bring all our troops to the front,” said Neitzel. He defended Defense Minister Pistorius, who had been criticized for his demand that Germany become “war-ready.” “He has to make it clear to the population that war could break out on NATO’s eastern flank. And that this wouldn’t just be the problem of a few soldiers.” The entire German society would be affected.

According to Neitzel, Germany can no longer rely unconditionally on the protective power of the USA. “It is not unlikely that Trump will win the US presidential election in 2024. Then it may be that Article 5 in the NATO treaty – the obligation to provide assistance in the event of an attack – will at least be weakened. Putin could feel encouraged to set a further limit exceed,” warned Neitzel. “We don’t know what’s coming, but we have to be prepared for anything,” he advised.

Neitzel complains about insincerity

Neitzel also accuses the Ministry of Defense and the Bundestag of treating the soldiers insincerely. “We expect our soldiers to be fit for war. But on the Defense Ministry’s website they have not yet dared to mention the names of those who have received the Cross of Honor for Bravery,” he continued to tell “Spiegel”. “The Defense Committee of the Bundestag could also have hung a plaque with the names in its rooms – it doesn’t want to,” said Neitzel. “Politicians send soldiers into life-threatening missions, introduce awards for bravery, but then don’t dare to name those honored.”

Neitzel said he didn’t want to glorify soldiers. “We can also abolish the Bundeswehr. But if we continue to spend an incredible amount of money on them, we have to recognize their mission. The essence of the soldier’s profession – combat – must get out of the taboo zone.”

The top brass of the Bundeswehr also have a difficult relationship with the soldier’s profession. “The Bundeswehr’s songbook has been available as an app for two years. Well done, historically verified. However, it has not been published,” said Neitzel. Apparently out of fear of “starting another discussion about traditions.” At the same time, the Bundeswehr leadership refuses to write new songs, for example about the deployment in Afghanistan. According to Neitzel, such songs are necessary to create a soldier’s identity. “The army now wants to recruit soldiers for Lithuania. The first thing that needs to happen is a coat of arms, there have to be rituals, a song about this special task,” he demanded. Neitzel criticized: “It’s bizarre: the Bundeswehr sends its soldiers into potentially fatal missions, but doesn’t dare write a song book.”

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