Washing machine defective: Remove water from the fabric softener compartment

washing machine alarm
That’s why you should urgently check your fabric softener compartment

If water collects in the fabric softener compartment of the washing machine, you should act quickly.


Is water collecting in the fabric softener compartment of the washing machine? We explain how and why you should take care of the problem as soon as possible.

For many, the washing machine is a sacred household appliance and it is hard to imagine everyday life without it. While she cleans our laundry, we can relax and pursue other tasks. But if it gives up the ghost, this is not only a very annoying matter, but also expensive. However, you can prevent this.

Water in the detergent compartment: that’s what’s behind it

If you notice that water is collecting in the detergent or fabric softener compartment, you have to react. Anyone who notices and acts early enough can prevent serious damage. In the video we show you what’s behind the water in the compartment and how to get rid of it.


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