watch out, here are seven reasons why a relationship can break up

Every romantic relationship is made up of ups and downs. However, it is important that the partners agree on certain points. Otherwise their idyll could break.

We all dream of living a love story worthy of a fairy talewith a person who loves us and for whom we had a real love at first sight. However, sometimes reality is less appealing than fiction. Routine, in particular, is dreaded by young couples, who fear get tired of their partner or of bored under the duvet. The important thing, if you are confronted with these fears, is to talk about them with the person who shares your life. But also, to keep in mind that it is not abnormal that the passion of the beginnings runs out of steam.

Every relationship is made ups and downs. However, although open to discussion, some people realize, over time, that they are not more on the same wavelength than their lover. In that case, caution is in order. Our colleagues from Grace have listed seven points on which it is essential that the spouses are at least in phase. Otherwise, their relationship could collapse.

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A couple must share certain values

“Opposites attract”, the saying goes. However, there are certain themes on which a couple must agree if they wish to live in harmony. In effect, if you sacrifice your point of view Or your values to satisfy your partner, your fulfillment is at risk. When this is the case, the well-being of the relationship is compromised.

But what are these seven reasons that could break your relationship in the event of a disagreement, according to our colleagues? In this list, we find the fact of being able express feelings freely with his partner, choosing to have children, the limits to set in the couple – in other words, what is intolerable in your eyes –, the concept of respect, sexual compatibility, relationship status – the decision, or not, to be monogamous – and religion.

Do you think you disagree on any of these points with your partner? feel free to communicate. Have a casual conversation about what really matters to you – and what you’re willing to let go of – will allow you to move forward. And decide if you want to keep doing a long way togetheror if separation is preferable.

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Even if she appreciates being able to deal with extremely diverse subjects, passionate about travel, Charline is particularly interested in themes related to society, climate, environment, psychology…

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