“We are going to take people’s pensions to give to companies”

The deputy of rebellious France François Ruffin accused the government of wanting to reform the pension system to finance tax relief for companies, Wednesday at the National Assembly.

On the basis of the stability program presented last year by the government in Brussels, he affirmed that we “will take people’s pensions to give to companies”.

François Ruffin cited in support of this assertion a passage from the stability program which states that “the control of public expenditure is mainly based on structural reforms, particularly pension reform” from which the government is expecting 18 billion euros in savings by 2030.

In order to “reinforce the competitiveness of companies, the activity and the attractiveness of the French economy, the government will continue to lighten and simplify the taxation of companies” and “will propose the abolition of the contribution on the added value of companies (CVAE) from the finance law for 2023”, according to this text sent last summer to the European Commission.

This tax relief, which was spread over two years, will represent in 2024 a shortfall of 8 billion euros for public finances. It comes after another cut in production taxes weighing on companies for 10 billion euros in 2021.

Public aid to businesses is “6% to 8% of GDP, it’s three times the education budget, it’s 20 times that of justice”, continued François Ruffin during a debate. on its own initiative on this aid to the Assembly.

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Minister Delegate for Industry Roland Lescure replied that the reform presented on Tuesday by the government aimed to perpetuate the pension system “without excessively increasing the levies which already weigh on companies and households”.

“Retirement contributions are 80% of them paid by companies and make it possible to finance most of the pension system to which we are all very attached”, he defended.

“The choice that was made in France is we tax a lot and we help a lotand maybe if we were to design the new levy on companies, we would tax a lot less and we would probably also help a lot less, ”he explained, acknowledging the complexity of the current system made up of more than 1,800 aids for companies.

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