“We can’t operate on him”

Hard blow for Eloïse Appelle. The reality TV candidate’s daughter is ill and had to undergo an operation. Unfortunately, the intervention will have to wait. We will explain everything to you.

If you like watching reality TV shows W9you certainly know Eloise Calls. The young woman made herself known by participating in Marseille, show during which she managed to capsize the hearts of Nacca. Recently, we found the little couple on the show The Fifty, won by Amélie Neten. But if Eloïse Appelle and Nacca did not manage to reach the final of the show, they proved that their relationship was stronger than ever.

Indeed, many rumors of separation were circulating on the Web. It must be said that the couple went through a period of crisis, shortly after the birth of their daughter Valentina. But as life always has its share of surprises (and problems), Eloïse Appelle must now face her daughter’s health problems. Used to documenting her daily life for her subscribers on Instagram, the young mother revealed that Valentina suffered from gastroenteritis but also a bad cold and an ear infection.

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Eloïse Appelle: her daughter had to be operated on

Like many children, little Valentina tends to act recurrent ear infections. After an appointment with the pediatrician, Eloïse Appelle indicated in her Instagram story: “Since she has an ear infection, and that’s the classic with Valentina, she’s going to have antibiotics which will perhaps also help with her nose because she’s taking it well…”. Before adding: “She told me, however, that the operation on the adenoids and drains in the ears would help her enormously.”

Indeed, the removal of vegetation and the installation of drains also called “yo-yo” is an operation often performed on children who suffer from ear infections regularly. If the operation were to relieve Valentina, she will unfortunately have to wait.We can’t operate on her while she’s sick… so we can only hope that it passes rather quickly. I’ll keep you informed. Let’s hope it goes quickly”, explained Eloïse Calle, heartbroken to see her little daughter suffering.

Passionate about women’s news, Agathe has been deciphering the latest trends for aufeminin since 2022. Her favorite areas? Psychology, nutrition and well-being advice, without forgetting the tips…

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