“We get used to it”: in kyiv, the resignation of residents in the face of the increase in Russian strikes

Wilfried Devillers // Photo credit: Danylo Antoniuk / ANADOLU / Anadolu via AFP

In recent days, the Russians have increased the number of strikes on Ukrainian cities. In kyiv, where since Friday, around thirty people have been killed by the invader’s missiles, residents are trying to continue living, while remaining on guard.

The days go by and are the same for Ukrainians. Since December 29, Russia has massively struck several Ukrainian cities, including Kharkiv, Donestk and kyiv. In the capital, strikes have left more than thirty dead since last Friday.

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This Tuesday, it was seven in the morning when Alina heard the first alarm of the day. She took her children in her arms and had barely left her apartment when the explosion shook her building. “We heard such a loud explosion, I was very scared. Many of my neighbors saw their windows blown out by the explosion. We were lucky, but we stayed in the dark for a few hours” , she explains on the microphone of Europe 1.

Wait and hope the bombs don’t hit the building. When an alarm sounds, Daria always has the same reflex: look at her smartphone to check what type of missiles are approaching. “If it’s ballistic missiles, it’s safer to stay at home because you don’t have enough time to go to shelter,” she says.

“We lead a more or less normal life”

To reach the nearest shelter, it takes several minutes. So the young woman says she learned to live in a permanent state of alert. “We lead a more or less normal life, as much as possible. Some stay at home, others go to work. But, we get used to it,” concludes the Ukrainian.

And before leaving the house, Daria makes sure her phone battery is fully charged. There is no question of being surprised by new Russian strikes.

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