“We have to defeat Russia”: Gabriel brings German soldiers into play

“We have to defeat Russia”
Gabriel brings German soldiers into play

Former Foreign Minister Gabriel warns urgently against Russia’s expansionist ambitions. President Putin has long been thinking far beyond Ukraine, says Gabriel. “We need a clear signal to Putin: Stop this war – or we will take it to you.”

In view of the difficult situation in Ukraine, former Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel is calling for a tougher approach towards Russia – if necessary with German soldiers. “I never thought I would have to say this: But we will have to defeat Russia again like we did with the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Putin must realise how serious we are,” the Social Democrat told the “Stern” newspaper.

“We need a clear signal to Putin: Stop this war – or we will take it to you. If that means that German missile defense systems, with the help of the Bundeswehr, enforce no-fly zones in Ukraine in order to protect Ukrainian cities from Russian attacks on the civilian population, I would not promise Mr. Putin again that we will never do that.”

The Social Democrat continued: “Nobody wants to have to lead the Bundeswehr into a war. But if the danger grows that Ukraine loses, then that will also destroy our current life of peace and security in Europe.” Putin has long been thinking far beyond Ukraine. “He is waging a war against the West, which he considers decadent, whose values ​​he rejects and sees as a threat to his power. That is why we must take a much tougher stance against Russia than we have done so far.”

“Iron foot” and talks demanded

Gabriel called for a dual strategy from the West: “To oppose Putin with our iron foot and at the same time to look for formats for talks and thus ways out of the war.” This also includes another peace conference. “In addition to the conference in Switzerland, a second peace conference is needed at which Russia’s negotiating partners meet. The West and Ukraine need the USA as a leading nation, the ‘Russia Alliance’ should be led by China,” said the former foreign minister. “Germany could credibly put forward such a proposal. Then the Chancellor’s campaign poster for the European elections under the motto ‘Securing Peace’ would also be backed up by active action.”

After the start of the major invasion in 2022, Gabriel admitted mistakes in his Russia policy. It was a mistake not to listen to the Eastern Europeans when they raised objections to Nord Stream 2. That was my mistake too,” Gabriel told Die Welt at the time. In 2014, however, gas supplies had to be diversified for reasons of national security. In 2014, Russia annexed Crimea in violation of international law and started a war in eastern Ukraine.

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