We know the repair prices for the Apple Vision Pro: they are impressive!

Benoit Bayle

January 22, 2024 at 1:17 p.m.


Apple Vision Pro © © Apple

An expensive headset to repair © Apple

If the price ofApple Vision Pro already has enough to dampen potential enthusiasts, the repair price of the augmented reality headset could well seal its rejection among smaller budgets…

This is certainly nothing new: Apple devices always tend to require some cost to repair. This is the case for Macs & MacBooks, iPhones, and this will also be the case for the Apple Vision Pro. While the device has still not been marketed by Apple (you will have to wait until February 2 in the USA), the technical support page for the augmented reality glasses has already been put online by the company. Cupertino. And it is clear that you will have to take care of your device, because the repair costs will be particularly high.

Up to $2,400 for repairs

Thus, on the Apple platform, it is possible to choose two different types of repairs: on the one hand, if the protective glass of the helmet cracks, you have to count on around 800 dollars to replace it. The other type of reparation is more vague (“ other repairs “), but could reach up to $2,400 for repairs. As a reminder, the Apple Vision Pro will be marketed at $3,500: in other words, depending on the severity of the repair, it will potentially be necessary to pay up to 60% of the value of a new headset. Suffice to say that at this stage, it will potentially be more appropriate to buy a new one… or to abandon the idea.

As long as you subscribe to Apple Care +, the prices are already more reasonable: $299 for the repair of the protective glass. However, we must obviously add to this the 25 monthly dollars required for Apple’s insurance subscription. We also remind you that, while it will certainly be possible to have the Apple Vision Pro repaired by third-party repairers, this could potentially cause problems when you wish to have the device repaired by Apple directly, as is the case. case currently for the firm’s iPhones or computers.

Apple Vision Pro © © Apple

It takes 800 dollars to replace the lens of the glasses © Apple

Might as well buy a new one, right?

In other words, it will be particularly important to pay attention to the integrity of your Apple Vision Pro when using it, and we have no doubt that a sizeable market should take off when the device is marketed in the field of protective screens and/or dedicated shells, just to avoid having these unexpected additional costs for a product that is already so expensive. If we add to these high prices the recent rather negative feedback regarding the weight of the helmet, which is tiring over the long term, there is no doubt that many potential buyers should end up being put off by the Vision Pro, even if it means waiting for a V2 ( which Apple is already working on) less expensive, less cumbersome and more supported by native applications of services expected for a tool of this type.

As a reminder, the Apple Vision Pro will be available from February 2 in the USA, and could arrive here before June, if we are to believe an analyst specializing in the Apple brand.

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Source : Engadget

Apple Vision Pro

Apple Vision Pro

VR headset

release date: 2024

See the product sheet

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