“We must withdraw European citizenship from the Russian oligarchs”, assures Fabien Roussel

Solene Delinger
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09:11, April 05, 2022

Fabien Roussel was the guest of Europe 1 this Tuesday morning. At the microphone of Sonia Mabrouk, the communist presidential candidate felt that it was necessary to go to the end of the sanctions against Russia, in particular by withdrawing European citizenship from the Russian oligarchs.


While the Russian offensive continues in Ukraine, Fabien Roussel advocates extreme firmness towards the Putin regime and the Russian oligarchs present on European territory. At the microphone of Sonia Mabrouk this Tuesday morning on Europe 1, the PCF candidate felt that it was necessary to go “to the end of the sanctions against Russia” and “withdraw European citizenship from the Russian oligarchs”.

“I designate and accuse Cyprus”

“Citizenship can’t be bought,” he said, pointing to and accusing Cyprus, a member of the EU, which “offers passports in exchange for two million euros”. “You can therefore become a European citizen, hide your money in all opacity in Cypriot banks. And the money continues to be laundered and to turn”, protests Fabien Roussel for whom it is absolutely unthinkable to deprive yourself of Russian gas and to ask the French to “tighten their belts” and “heat less” as Russian oligarchs continue to launder money in Europe.

No total embargo on Russian gas

Fabien Roussel is thus positioning himself against a total embargo on imports of Russian gas. “To deprive oneself of Russian gas overnight is to engage the EU in a serious economic recession”, he justifies. “I meet French people who have already lowered their heating because of their low purchasing power. How will they do tomorrow?”. For the communist presidential candidate, the “horrible war in Ukraine” is also felt in “the wallet of the French”.

“Me President of the Republic, and President of the European Union, I will not take decisions that could have harsh consequences for the purchasing power of the French. I prefer that we go to the wallet of the Russian oligarchs and friends of Poutine because we did not go to the end”, criticizes Fabien Roussel.

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