We played Hades 2, and it’s already incredible

Supergiant Games has launched a technical test for Hades 2, one of the most anticipated video games of the moment. We were able to play it and, as expected, we are already asking for more.

I registered for the technical test of Hades 2 via the Steam page, without really believing it. My joy was therefore particularly great when I received the email indicating that this first version of the game had been added to my library. Without a second thought, I turned on the Asus Rog Ally, downloaded the file and started the first game.

From the first seconds, the divine charm swept me away. Hades 2 welcomes us in a tasty artistic direction, a little more horrific, with musical notes that are both familiar and different. Familiar and different, that’s the feeling that remains after spending a few hours trying.

Fundamentally, Hades 2 takes up the excellent foundations of its elder. We no longer play Zagreus, the son of Hades, but Melinoe, his sister who wants to get rid of Cronos. The journey will be the same as its brother: starting from a hub (the Crossroads), in the middle of the night, to progress to its goal. Mélinoé will have to learn as she stumbles, and each step will allow her to strengthen herself to become stronger and better prepared. Hades 2 is therefore a pure rogue-like, with random data that we can learn to tame by making good choices. All this mixed with a narration which invites as much seduction (the cast of deities is hot as embers) as mystery about what happened.

Hades 2 twists the neck of the question that many ask themselves: the perfect Hades did it need a sequel?

Hades 2 // Source: Supergiant Games
New visuals are on the program, others have been reworked. // Source: Supergiant Games

Hades 2 is both familiar and different

What content for the technical test?

The technical test of Hades 2 allows you to explore the first area up to the boss. By beating him five times, Supergiant Games considers you to have completed this preview. It took us eight attempts in total.

Melinoe does not play completely like Zagreus, despite common movements and the help always so appreciated by the gods. She is a witch, who can charge her attacks with magic to do even more damage. This new feature enormously changes the dynamics of combat, with enemies quickly becoming more sneaky and resistant, and a different rhythm when you have to retaliate. So, if you want to impregnate your blows, you will have to wait a few seconds and, in turn, be vulnerable. As a bonus, the mana gauge, new and which recharges in each room, requires additional management. This leads to more tactical battles, sometimes more difficult.

In addition to the spells which grant her the ability to place a seal on the ground to devastate everything, for example, Mélinoé will be able to use a cauldron to strengthen herself with incantations and boost her statistics with a card system. Supergiant Games takes the opportunity to introduce crafting mechanics, with resources to harvest (flowers, ores, etc.). Later, we can actually do some planting at the Crossroads. Hades 2 multiplies the currencies to be exchanged and used, which foreshadows a more complex economy. Moreover, in addition to a weapon, you can equip yourself with an object to amass wealth. For example, a pickaxe will offer the possibility of mining. Once again, choices will have to be made.

Hades 2 // Source: Supergiant GamesHades 2 // Source: Supergiant Games
Hades 2 is very dark (here, it’s night). // Source: Supergiant Games

The fights are also modified by some more or less notable additions. So we can create an “accident” by hitting a tree so that the wood pierces the enemies. Or even receive the support of Artemis, skilled in the art of shooting arrows. Cute Arachne? She grants Mélinoé armor, enough to artificially inflate her life bar with, as a bonus, a passive power. Added to this are new deities, which join those seen in the first Hades (Zeus, Poseidon, Aphrodite, etc.) — even if their design has changed (the features are less marked, and the shadows less pronounced). Special mention to Hestia, who will ignite your attacks and your enemies at the same time.

Hades 2 twists the neck of the question that many ask themselves: the perfect Hades did it need a sequel?

In terms of arsenal, this technical test offers two weapons (the second must be crafted): the Witch’s Scepter and the Sister Blades. They are both as effective at range as in melee, although the Sister Blades push to get a little closer. According to the way the hub is constructed, four other weapons can be recovered later. Hades 2 don’t forget to use the principle of Memories either, which you obtain by doing a favor to the characters you meet. Flirting still promises to be a central element of the story, which should be surprising if the few cutscenes shown are to be believed.

Hades 2 // Source: Supergiant GamesHades 2 // Source: Supergiant Games
Hades 2. // Source: Supergiant Games

Finally, it must be recognized thatHades 2 is already in a more than satisfactory technical and visual condition. If Supergiant Games needed this technical test to reassure itself, then the mission has been accomplished brilliantly. In all our games played with a Rog Ally, we did not have to report any bugs (we can turn a blind eye to the few translation issues, because that is not the aim of this technical test). This bodes well for early access which will be available in a few weeks depending on the studio’s schedule. For the final version, we will probably have to wait until 2025.

Hades II // Source: YouTube captureHades II // Source: YouTube capture

Hades 2

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