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Seasonal hair loss has not spared you? Discover scalp brushing, the new anti-hair loss gesture to adopt.

When we know of hair loss problems, we hear a lot about anti-hair loss hair care to apply to the scalp and food supplements that strengthen the hair to help stop the phenomenon, but these are not the only reflexes to know in such cases. Indeed, a new hair beauty gesture, very fashionable at the moment, can also support your hair loss routine seasonal: the scalp brushing.

Somewhat surprisingly, the tendency relies on the use of brushes specially designed to brush the scalp or scalp brushes of their English name (“scalp“meaning scalp and”brush“, brush). Although confusing, the gesture is rather sensible since we know that we can only have beautiful, strong and resistant hair with a healthy scalp. To know how to get started and slow down hair loss autumn, we asked the advice of the hairdresser Thomas Tuccinardi which reveals the basics of this new step in the hair routine.

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A scalp brush, what is it exactly?

If they can take various and varied shapes (being round, elongated, with a handle similar to that of our hairbrushes or smaller and which provides a different grip), the brushes for the scalp are always equipped with massage pins (of different sizes depending on the model) which are more or less flexible. It is to this last characteristic that you will really have to pay attention when choosing yours. Indeed, if when your scalp is healthy, the choice is of little importance. With a sensitive scalp, it will be necessary to choose a scalp brush “with very flexible pimples” as the hairdresser specifies, because he assures that they will be softer.

These brushes like no other are generally used to massage the scalp more easily and intensely than performing a scalp massage with your fingertips.

Brushing your scalp, how can this affect hair loss?

You may have understood that it is because it detoxifies the skin of the scalp and stimulates the blood circulation of the latter, that the scalp brush can have a favorable impact on hair loss. She is “specially designed to promote blood circulation, and therefore accelerate growth” indeed confirms the hairdresser. The massage it provides ensuring an optimal supply of nutrients to the hair bulbs, which strengthens them and quickly slows down their fall.

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Among all the scalp brushes available on the market, we have selected 3 models at low prices to allow you to adopt this new gesture without breaking the bank.

3 massage brushes for the scalp under 15 euros

How to brush the scalp?

Scalp brushes can be used on wet or dry hair, alone or with the hair care of your choice. Like when you massage your scalp with your hands, “the ideal is to make circular movements” with the precise Thomas Tuccinardi brush. Thus, the pins activate the different energy points present on your skull, which gives you a relaxing massage in addition to boosting hair growth.

The other virtues of brushing the scalp

The benefits of scalp brushing don’t end there. By exfoliating the skin of the skull, the scalp brushes purify it in depth, help it to regenerate well and will also make it more receptive to the care you are going to apply, whether it is shampoos, masks, or even anti-hair loss scalp serums. If you use them with care in the shower, they also help to distribute the products well to make them even more effective. So many good reasons to adopt them!

Passionate about writing and beauty, Elodie swaps her lipstick for her laptop to find you the best makeup, hair and skincare trends, and pro tips…

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