We will not surrender

II am writing to you again from Kyiv. The Russian occupying forces have left the north of the city and the country. They left nothing but atrocities, devastation and pain in their wake. Their departure has revealed the extent of their war crimes: mass executions of civilians hidden in mass graves, systematic rape of women and young teenagers.

There are many martyr cities like Bucha in the already liberated areas in the north of the country, and unfortunately one can be sure that there are many more Bucha in the still occupied areas – not to mention Mariupol – and that the scale of the horror is immense. All these crimes together have one name: genocide. But those responsible also have names. We know them, we collect the evidence of their crimes. So that justice can prevail. That’s the least we owe the victims.

We have not declared this war

While my country is still investigating these war crimes and organizing its defenses in the east and south as best it can, a controversy over arms supplies has arisen in Germany. A letter emerged calling for these shipments to be halted as they would prolong the war. The text urges us to stop fighting and lay down our arms to prevent a third world war.

So I want to clarify a few points here. First of all, we have not declared this war. It is the imperialist madness of Putin who decided to simply invade and conquer an independent and free country in the heart of Europe. Second: Yes, we defend ourselves against this aggression. Third, we need weapons to defend ourselves. And yes, we will fight back until the aggressor goes home. Fourth, Germany has risen to its responsibilities and has decided to help Ukraine preserve its freedom, honoring it before the world and history. Germany understood that Ukraine is defending European values ​​with Ukrainian lives and that it is time to do the same with European weapons.

FAZ Newsletter Ukraine

Daily at 12.00 p.m


To describe our resistance as warmongering and as a provocation by Putin is complete nonsense. For the Russian imperialist regime, our very existence is a provocation because we are a democracy. So no, we will not forsake our identity to appease a dictator’s murderous madness and outdated dreams. And certainly not to please some “intellectuals” who seem to have lost their sense of reality and reason.

Peace at the price of our identity?

I say it: blind pacifism is just as dangerous as blissful warmongering. Unfortunately, this debate is reminiscent of the debate in the interwar period. Yesterday, as today, the so-called pacifists wanted peace at any price. In some European capitals one heard at that time: “Hitler and fascism instead of war”. And today: “Putin instead of war?”.

Peace at any price, but at what price? Our freedom? Our identity? Our integrity? The absolute good is not peace, but freedom and justice. And to defend them you have to fight.

As for the negotiations, they seem impossible at the moment. The Russians are only willing to discuss just the way they will subjugate and partition Ukraine. So no, you can’t go to the negotiating table with cannibals.

We do not need abstract moral sermons, but concrete support in the form of medicines, materials and weapons. We don’t need cowardly letters making the victims feel guilty, but courageous letters denouncing Russian barbarism and calling for a boycott of Russian oil, gas and coal. The only way to end this war is to show Putin’s Russia that the whole world opposes this aggression and dry up the revenue streams that are funding this bloody war.

Ukraine wants peace. She wants her old life back. And look ahead to a European future of freedom and prosperity. She knows that she can count on the German people, her brother people.

Wladimir Klitschko is a former heavyweight boxing champion. His brother Vitali, also a former professional boxer, has been mayor of the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv since 2014.

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