“We will still be working in our 80s and 90s”

Turritopsis nutricula belongs to a genus of “immortal jellyfish”.
Image: mauritius images / Images & Stories / Alamy

Is the increase in life expectancy a “deal with the devil”? Age researcher Nir Barzilai talks about the chances of extending them further – and the financial consequences for society.

Professor Barzilai, can someone born today hope to live to be 150?

This is already possible, and research is being carried out into ways to achieve this. But it will be some time before we can be sure. Today, statistically speaking, the maximum age is 115 years, even if there are always individual cases of people who live to be older than 120.

You have conducted a much-noticed long-term study with people who live to be a hundred years old and older, so-called “centenarians”. What’s their secret?

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