Weather: 88 departments placed on drought alert

Lhe hot weather that has hit France, coupled with low rainfall throughout the year, is worrying experts. A large part of the country, 88 departments, has thus been placed on drought alert, according to the government site Propluvia, relayed by The Parisian, i.e. nearly 90% of France. Water restriction measures have been introduced in these territories. The Centre-Val de Loire and Pays de la Loire regions, which are among the most affected by this episode of drought, have been placed on red alert.

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This red alert, or state of “crisis”, requires a “stopping of non-priority withdrawals, including withdrawals for agricultural purposes. Only withdrawals to ensure the exercise of priority uses are authorized”, specifies the Propluvia site. It concerns Loire-Atlantique, Deux-Sèvres, Var, Drôme and Mayenne. Many other departments are placed on orange alert, or “state of heightened alert”, which requires a “reduction of withdrawals for agricultural purposes greater than or equal to 50% (or prohibition greater than or equal to 3.5 days per week) , stronger limitation of samples for watering gardens, green spaces, golf courses, for washing cars, until the prohibition of certain samples”.

These recommendations apply to the entire country. The high temperatures are not expected to subside and this dry spell is likely to spread. Several departments could soon be placed on alert.

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