Weather forecast: exceptional mildness and a few records, why such temperatures?


By Jean-Denis Renard – [email protected]

The Hexagon is experiencing a remarkable episode of mildness, with temperatures often exceeding normal by around ten degrees. The cause: a high pressure system that swelled over Spain and traps heat in the lower layers of the atmosphere

OIt is not yet clear whether Easter will take place at the brand, but the days after Christmas already deserve better than a little detour via the balcony. It is sometimes the wearing of the T-shirt that is essential. In the southern half of the country, rather spared by the rains on this afternoon of December 29 – with the exception of Charente-Maritime – maximum temperatures are approaching and even exceeding 18 ° C. This regime is valid for a good part of New Aquitaine and Occitania. On the Mediterranean arc, we are familiar with 20 ° C. The Basque Country is bathed …


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