Weather: thanks to the “anticyclonic potato”, sunny weather as far as the eye can see

WEATHER – After the bad weather at the start of the week in the southwest, the weather conditions are again calmer with the return of the high pressure. This dry weather, more or less sunny and with not too much cold, promises to be particularly durable according to the latest forecasts.

This is called “an anticyclonic potato”. In the jargon of meteorologists, it is a high pressure zone in the shape of a potato. It is firmly established in the north of France, thus blocking the Atlantic disturbances which are rejected far north, towards Iceland and Scandinavia. Under these conditions, dry weather prevails, but not sunny everywhere due to the low clouds which are traditionally numerous at this time of the year and which sometimes have difficulty dissipating.

Generous sunshine, especially in the southern half

No change in the weather in prospect with the maintenance of this calm and dry weather. After dissipation of the fogs and grayness present at daybreak on Friday, the sun will dominate everywhere. Only Nord-Pas-de-Calais could stay with its head in the clouds all day. On Saturday, slightly more humid air will manage to infiltrate the northern half with more tenacious grayness, while the southern half will continue to be bathed in bright sunshine. Same program for Sunday with a cover of clouds which will progress significantly in the west. On the other hand, the sun will resist from the Pyrenees to the Jura and as far as the Mediterranean.

The situation will therefore remain frozen at the start of next week with a France cut in two on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, under the grayness in the north and under a generous sun in the south. Thursday, another anticyclone should replace the current one with during the day, a temporarily more threatening weather but the pressures are still quite high, it will be at most a few drops. And it will visibly start again at the end of next week with again high pressures above 1030 hPa and therefore still dry weather with more or less sun, rather more to the south and rather less to the north, a classic!

Frequent and sometimes severe morning frosts

During this time, the temperatures will remain wintery, most often without excess. The frosts are however locally marked, especially where the night is clear. It is thus in the south and east of the country where the lowest minimums are recorded at daybreak with values ​​generally between -6 and 0°C under shelter. During the day, it is in the east and where the grayness persists that they progress the least with weakly positive maximums.

This trend will continue until the weekend included, with the coldest morning expected on Saturday. The values ​​will then start to rise again to post a perfectly seasonal level with light frosts in the morning and averages of around 6 to 9°C in the afternoon. According to the latest scenarios, no degradation is for the time being foreseen at a deadline of about ten days… To be continued!

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