“Wedding at first sight”: Ramona and Stephan’s marriage has lasted for seven years

“Wedding at first sight”
Ramona and Stephan’s marriage has lasted for seven years

In the third season in 2016, Ramona and Stephan got to know each other on the Sat.1 show “Wedding at First Sight”. Unlike many other participants, they managed to continue their marriage successfully after the show.

© SAT.1/Christoph Assmann

Talk a lot and be patient: This helped the “Wedding at First Sight” couple Ramona and Stephan preserve their marriage.

Ramona and Stephan are one of the model couples of the dating show “Wedding at First Sight”, which is in its tenth round this year (from September 25th, Mondays, 8:15 p.m., Sat 1). They took part in 2016 and said “yes” to each other even though they didn’t know each other. They are still married seven years later and had children in 2022. In an interview with the news agency spot on news, they revealed how they were able to stabilize their relationship after filming, what tips they have for the new candidates and what challenges they have to overcome as parents.

How are you feeling seven years after taking part in “Wedding at First Sight”?

Stephan: We are doing very well! And the fact that we met seven years ago on “Wedding at First Sight” no longer interests anyone in our environment. Our family life is totally normal, with offspring, a dog and a cat. (laughs)

Ramona: Absolutely! But even seven years after our “wedding at first sight” we are still incredibly grateful for the experiences we were able to gain during this time and which still accompany us today.

What were the biggest challenges for you as a couple during this time?

Ramona: Stephan always expressed his needs openly and specifically, for example when he needed time for himself. I didn’t know that before. I really had to learn to recognize that Stephan doesn’t reject me when he expresses his needs.

Stephan: The first thing that comes to mind is Ramona moving in with me. Back then we got things done pretty quickly. But we came from completely different worlds and it took a while until we found good communication with each other. But the “Wedding at First Sight” experts really helped us a lot.

Many couples have not managed to save their relationship – what went better/differently for you?

Stephan: I think you have to differentiate between couples who separated after just a few weeks and those who decided to get married at the end of the experiment and then at some point it just didn’t work out anymore. I believe that among the former, many people underestimate how difficult the path to each other is and that castles in the sky that they have built for themselves are very unlikely to come true.

Ramona: I think it helped Stephan and me a lot to talk to each other in detail, especially after arguments, and to look behind the words that were spoken. We almost always found that we were mutually hurt by statements that were actually meant differently. To be specific: behind the anger about being late, there may also be a fear of being alone or being abandoned. You just have to recognize it first…

You are now parents too, how has that changed your relationship?

Ramona: Above all, we are incredibly grateful to be able to hold this miracle in our arms. Accompanying our son as he experiences new things, takes his first steps in this world, as he laughs – that fills us with a whole new love in our hearts. As a couple, we certainly still have to learn to take more time for ourselves again. This has often been a bit overlooked in everyday life. But we are working on it! (laughs)

Stephan: Our everyday life has of course been completely different since the birth of our little one, but essentially nothing has changed in the relationship between Ramona and me. Except that we have a much stronger connection with each other on another level.

What tips do you have for the new candidates?

Stephan: How much time do you have? (laughs) The most important thing is to be honest with yourself, but also with others, and not let yourself be unsettled. Like I said before: you just come from two different worlds and it takes a while until you really get to know each other and know how to communicate well with each other.

Ramona: My tip is very clear: Don’t let yourself be influenced by superficialities, look behind the facade, don’t always take everything personally and above all: talk to each other a lot! The experts will lay a strong foundation for you, but how the house is ultimately built and what it looks like is entirely in your collective hands!


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