Wedding congratulations: how to congratulate the newlyweds? : Current Woman The MAG

It is an immutable ritual: when a couple gets married, we send them congratulations. This step is usually honored after the announcement of the marriage, but also at the time of the union or even after the ceremony. But does it necessarily have to be done solemnly? “There is no real rule, the main thing is to mark the occasion in one way or another to congratulate the couple”, explains Maïlys Hartmann, wedding planner. Overview of the different ways to send congratulations to newlyweds.

When to congratulate newlyweds?

Your cousin, your brother or your best friend has just told you the good news: he is getting married! If this announcement was made orally, you can also congratulate him orally in return. “You can send a more formal congratulatory text afterwards and take the opportunity to also congratulate his or her partner”, suggests the wedding planner.

If this announcement was made to you via an invitation, the situation changes: you have to respond, whether by sending a card, an SMS or an email. You can then confirm your presence at the ceremony while congratulating the bride and groom on their upcoming union. “They will appreciate that their invitation card is returned to them with the answer and a little congratulatory message. It leaves a nice memory and makes it stand out from the other guests”, notes Maïlys Hartmann.

On the wedding day, congratulations are also required. They can be addressed to the newlyweds as they go around the table with their guests or as part of a wedding speech. But generally, it is in the guest book of the ceremony that it is advisable to put his congratulations in writing in a more formal way. To accompany this little note, a check can be deposited in the wedding urn or a gift can be offered to the newlyweds. After the wedding, it is also possible to send a small note of thanks and congratulations to the newlyweds, which can for example be accompanied by a bouquet of flowers.

How to congratulate the newlyweds?

Congratulating newlyweds is more than just saying the word “congratulations”. A wedding being an opportunity to open your heart and share your feelings with those close to you, you should develop your congratulations, ideally focusing on a mixture of humor, emotion and originality. “Rather than do like everyone else and just wish all the best, you can bet on a tip about the couple life or a little word of encouragement for the future “, suggests the wedding planner.

How to find inspiration? It is possible to draw ideas from quotes, songs, extracts from books or even poems on the life of a couple, love and marriage. “If you are not comfortable with words, it is better to borrow them from someone else. It is the gesture that counts, the key is to manage to deliver whatever the way. “, adds Maïlys Hartmann. There are therefore different ways of congratulating newlyweds, among which we find for example:

  • The classic wedding congratulations

– “All my best wishes on such a memorable day. I wish you a life as successful as this ceremony”.

-“Your love is inspiring and your marriage was a great success. I am happy to have shared this moment of joy with you and I send you all my congratulations “.

  • Wedding congratulations in the form of advice

– “30 years ago, I got married like you today. The success of my union is based on a mixture of patience, complicity, laughter, sharing and communication. All these ingredients are already part of your relationship and I know that you have everything to be happy ”.

– “Like this wedding, make every day of your married life a celebration. It is the secret of happy couples, but when I see you, I know that you have already made it your mantra” .

  • Wedding congratulations inspired by proverbs

– “‘He whose heart is resurrected by love will never die’, said one proverb Persian. Before you met, you went through hardships and knew how to heal each other. Today, you form this happy, solid and fulfilled couple. May this happiness last indefinitely “.

– “‘True love makes us better without changing who we really are. This proverb is for me the most accurate definition of couple and marriage. You have found the person who allows you to be there. best version of yourself, without ever denying yourself. Congratulations “.

  • Song-inspired wedding congratulations

– “On this important day, ‘we wish you all the happiness in the world’ and we hope it will last forever. As Sinsemilia sang, I am sure that ‘your sun will lighten the shadow’ and ‘that it will last forever. will shine with love every day. Congratulations. “

– “When I think of your couple, the song by Michel Fugain which begins with ‘it’s a beautiful novel, it’s a beautiful story’ comes to mind. Your meeting was not predictable, it was’ a gift from providence. “I am happy to see the road you have traveled and to attend your wedding today. Best wishes”.

Thanks to Maïlys Hartmann, founder of Paris in Wedding and wedding planner.

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