Wedding guest no-gos: You shouldn’t wear that

5 things you should NEVER wear as a wedding guest

© Imaxtree

A wedding is always a special day. Especially for the bride. That’s why we should also stick to a few fashion rules – and these pieces just don’t work at all…

A wedding is often beautiful, but it often causes a lot of nerves for the bride. So that we don’t put even more strain on them, we naturally choose our outfit with care. And these five things we should definitely not wear at a wedding:


Only the bride wears white. No one else. And if you disregard this rule, you can probably get ready for something. And no, cream tones are not okay either. It’s best to stay away from such bright colors so that your outfit doesn’t even remotely resemble the bride’s wedding dress. Safety First! By the way, black isn’t necessarily a good option either. It’s often associated with funerals, not weddings. That’s why we shouldn’t let any gloomy thoughts arise on the most beautiful day of our friends.


The old sneakers that we wear every day on the way to work definitely don’t belong at a wedding. And no brand new sneakers either. It’s not a must to wear high heels, but they can be a bit chic or festive. Ballerinas or loafers are always a cool and comfortable option. Just make sure that the style of the shoes goes well with your outfit. But the same applies here: less is more. It’s best not to take loafers embroidered with sequins or brightly colored ballerinas. Just in case…


Denim actually goes with everything – just not for a wedding. Unless the motto expressly requests it. Jeans just look too sporty and therefore not really suitable for a wedding. If you still prefer to wear trousers, you can simply fall back on elegant jumpsuits or stylish palazzo trousers. Both (properly combined) can look super festive and elegant. We would definitely wear high heels for this, flat shoes only fit here if the trouser leg covers a large part of the shoes. Then you don’t even notice it.

Parts too short

In a nutshell – not at a wedding. You should definitely avoid outfits that are very short. So there is not only a risk that you will suddenly be half-naked while dancing, but also that you will steal the show from the bride. And believe us, you don’t want that…

Anything against the dress code

Some weddings have a dress code. This can be colors, styles and much more. So if the motto is blue, then don’t be fooled into showing up in a red dress. The bride and groom usually don’t find that funny at all. Respect the wishes of the newlyweds, after all it is one of the most important days in their lives.

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