Wedge First – ‘Liberated’ tree slayed forest workers

It was a chain of unfortunate circumstances that cost the life of a forest worker in a forest in Neukirchen an der Vöckla. He wanted to “free” a tree, which then fell directly on him.

Three Serbian guest workers were busy felling trees in the forest in the Vöckltal. A 57-year-old clipped a trunk, which also fell, but became caught in another tree a little below. The tree broke free and fell on workers. The branches became so entangled that there was no easy way to separate them. So the worker decided to cut down the tree below in order to bring the trunks down and separate them at the same time. A fatal mistake: the already cut tree came loose during work and fell directly on the Serb’s head. The hard hat didn’t help either. The emergency doctor who was alerted by colleagues could only determine the man’s death.
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