Weekend horoscope from 30.8.: 3 zodiac signs are enjoying their lives now

Weekend ahead!
These zodiac signs are enjoying their lives now

Weekend horoscope from 30.8.: A woman enjoys the sun

© simona / Adobe Stock

Starting this weekend, it will be easier for us to think ahead: Mercury has been direct again since Wednesday. We now question what we feel less, have a better connection to our intuition and approach problems more pragmatically and courageously. In short: our thoughts rarely get in our way.

Like the moon on Saturday and Sunday, Mercury is in the energy field of the fire sign Leo. We now like to receive attention, harmonize with our fellow human beings, especially on an emotional level, and can present ourselves well. The Leo moon promotes our ability to perceive our needs and respond to them.

Venus entered the Libra sphere of influence on Thursday. In this position, it promotes harmony in our intimate relationships.

The Virgo sun means that we approach tasks carefully and with high standards. At the weekend, however, relaxation and enjoyment of life are the main focus – and the following signs of the zodiac will benefit from this particularly well.

Horoscope: 3 zodiac signs enjoy their lives this weekend


If Pisces people rely on their intuition now, they can only win this weekend. You currently have an excellent sense of what you want, who is good for you and what you can trust yourself to do. You know that there are people who genuinely love and appreciate you – you just have to learn to believe that they have reasons for it.


Leos can sort out their relationships for themselves at the weekend. What makes pleasant company for you? Why do you enjoy being with some people more than others? If you want to go through everyday life with more energy, questions like these can be helpful in deciding who has what priority for you in life.


Sagittarians feel free and flexible now. You are open to many things and have few expectations and wishes that put you under pressure and restrict you. This suggests that you have been paying good attention to yourself and your needs recently. And it puts you in a wonderful position: this weekend you could have some very nice and fun experiences.

Sources used: astromedizin.info, mondrausch.com, BRIGITTE two-week horoscope


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