Weekend horoscope from September 29th, 2023: Three zodiac signs have exciting days ahead of them

Weekend horoscope from September 29th, 2023
According to the horoscope, three zodiac signs have exciting days ahead of them

© Daniel / Adobe Stock

The full moon sets off an energetic weekend. You can read here which zodiac signs start October particularly well.

On Friday, September 29th, 2023 we will experience the last supermoon for this year. This time he is in fiery Aries and envelops everyone Zodiac sign with its very special energy. Because this full moon, which is also called the harvest moon, is closer to the earth and therefore appears particularly large. So it’s no wonder that we feel its energies even more intensely than we already do.

And they provide a real boost of motivation at the weekend before we make ourselves comfortable with tea and candlelight and transition into autumn mode. Beforehand, you can clear out the inside and outside again, take stock and, above all, look at your wishes and plans for this year. We can now actively steer everything that still needs to be initiated into the right direction.

Three zodiac signs in particular are starting October this weekend with great support from the universe.

According to the horoscope, three zodiac signs have an excellent weekend from September 29th.


Sun, Mars and Venus are currently supporting Gemini. While the sun sends you into the weekend optimistic and in a good mood, Venus and Mars provide a breath of fresh air in your love life. It finally tingles again and you feel loved and comfortable. Of course, Gemini will benefit from the powerful energy of the supermoon on September 29th. You tackle things that have been waiting for your attention for a long time, bravely face new challenges and go into October strengthened and self-confident. Your commitment is finally paying off and you will be rewarded on all levels.


Ambitious, optimistic and empathetic – Sagittarius characteristics that are particularly evident at the moment. Your positive energy opens new doors for you, because what you radiate is what you get back at the weekend. The full moon also gives you a very special charisma. You rest within yourself and feel completely in harmony with yourself. Spontaneous decisions at the weekend and an extra dose of courage could lead to one or two nice surprises. Now – with the energy of the Aries full moon – is also the right time to start things that have been lying dormant for a long time and that may have lacked a bit of courage until now.


Pisces can look forward to an energetic weekend, because the fiery full moon in Aries acts as a positive driver for them. You start the last days of September full of enthusiasm and can hardly be stopped. The lunar energy promotes your happiness, has a positive effect on your health and strengthens you mentally. Take another look at your wishes and plans and see what you would like to achieve this year. You are always ready to take action.


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