Weekly horoscope from 24.6.: 3 zodiac signs are truly lucky

Weekly horoscope from June 24th
3 zodiac signs are truly lucky

In the video we reveal which zodiac signs are the lucky ones of the week.

The first week of Cancer season is upon us. We reveal here which star signs can especially look forward to it.

Since June 22nd, the sun has been in the water sign Cancer, where it will remain until July 22nd. In the middle of the year, an emotional phase awaits us that is all about deep, interpersonal relationships, closeness and security. Family and friends now move to the center of our being, giving us security and stability. But looking inward and self-reflection are also encouraged. All in all, a wonderful time to take stock of the past six months, to reorient yourself and to focus once again on what is really important.

We will now tell you here which zodiac signs the planets are particularly favorably positioned for from June 24th.

3 zodiac signs have a lot of luck from 24 June


What could bring more luck into your life than the lucky planet Jupiter? It is positioned in a favorable way for the zodiac sign Leo. This means that dreams, whether small or large, could now come true. Then it will be only half as tragic if something goes wrong. Jupiter extends his hand to you and you take it with humor. In return, you can now steer your life in the right direction in all areas. Something could move in your favor, especially at work, which could also result in a financial bonus.


With this positive mindset, the air sign Libra could achieve many things that you have been waiting for for a long time. You can look forward to the coming days with confidence, especially in your career. Jupiter promises that so many things that were out of balance will now turn for the better. Opportunities are now emerging at work that you should not let pass you by, after all, you have worked for a long time for them. So roll up your sleeves and get ready to get started. Then things will be really good.


The best thing to start with: Aquarius could unexpectedly see a long-held wish come true in the coming week. Perhaps a win, an unexpected opportunity for your professional development or a meeting with someone special. In any case, you should keep an eye out for what Jupiter sends you. And you’re doing brilliantly in other ways too. You feel fit, energetic and have more desire to be active and mingle with people. A good week awaits you, dear Aquarius.


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