Weekly horoscope from March 21, 2022: 3 zodiac signs start spring particularly successfully

Full steam ahead
3 zodiac signs who have a particularly successful week starting March 21st

© Victoria Chudinova / Shutterstock

Spring is in the air and it boosts morale. Here you can find out which zodiac signs can really take off according to the horoscope in the week from March 21st to 27th.

Now that spring has finally arrived with the start of spring on March 20th, the new week begins energetically and energetically. The Sun’s transition into Aries awakens courage, passions and forces that drive and inspire to do things actively and with commitment. Mars, Venus and Uranus are also in a constellation that strengthens energy and spirits: Many people now feel the urge to assert their freedom and independence and are willing to pursue their goals even in the face of resistance.

The horoscope promises a particularly successful first week of spring for three zodiac signs.

Horoscope: These zodiac signs have the most successful week from March 21st


Aquarians can move and get a lot going this week. The people around you listen to you and respect you, they meet you with openness and curiosity. It gives you confidence and fuels you – you want to change the world, but you know you can’t do it alone. It is important that you remain calm and do not put yourself under too much pressure.


Aries get a powerful boost of energy from the Sun in their sign. Now is a good opportunity to set clear goals and pursue them with all your might. You are by no means on your own: Feel free to involve your fellow human beings, they will support you and make your journey more pleasant.


Leos have much to gain this week if they come to terms with a not-so-simple realization: that everything is fleeting and no moment lasts forever. On the one hand, this truth hurts because it means we don’t have unlimited time and need to let go. But on the other hand, that’s what makes our lives so special and every single experience precious, whether it’s beautiful or painful. That being said, it’s liberating to know that nothing lasts forever: we don’t have to save anything, and none of the consequences of our choices have to live with us forever. What would you like to do with this freedom? As soon as you know, it’s best to start right away.

Sources used: BRIGITTE two-week horoscope


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