Well sorted for the new year: You should get rid of these 4 things now

Hidden chaos
4 things you should definitely sort out this year

What can go, what should stay? We’ll tell you which cabinets you should definitely look into.

Minimalism is trending. Still, there are some places that are constantly overlooked during the sorting process. Here you will find out four things that you should urgently get rid of.

When sorting out, we usually limit ourselves to the wardrobe. After all, it’s often far too crowded – even though you “never have anything to wear.” But there are even more places in the apartment that probably need to be sorted through urgently, but are constantly forgotten.

Tidying up with a clear view

But why wait until the next spring cleaning or, even worse, moving, to put the closets back in order? Here you will find out four places that you should sort out this year.

Source used: own research


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