Well thought out, too much or too little? 5 things nobody tells you before your beauty procedure

beauty procedures
5 things nobody tells us beforehand

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Beauty procedures – a topic about which there is not as much information as we would like. Especially not the answers to the questions you hardly dare to ask. We put them to an expert!

While beauty interventions – whether large or small – were still taboo a few years ago, today they are being talked about more and more. But how open can we really be, do we have to face up to prejudices and what things do some people keep secret before an intervention? Right after that we have Dr. Tatjana Pavicic, expert at Merz Aesthetics, asked.

BRIGITTE: How long should you think about before having a beauty procedure?

dr Tatjana Pavicic: You don’t have to think too long – even if, according to various surveys, the average length of time in Germany is two years. But you should inquire and research which doctor you go to. But don’t rely too much on the information about various treatments or trends on the Internet or social media, but rather get detailed advice from a specialist in a detailed discussion and after a thorough examination. What exactly suits each and what can be used to achieve the best effect in each individual face? You can tell whether the doctor is taking the time for you or just wants to get started with the treatment quickly.

How should you deal with it if you are not satisfied with the result?

dr  Tatjana Pavicic, Merz Aesthetics expert

dr Tatjana Pavicic, Merz Aesthetics expert

© Merz Aesthetics

Speak openly and honestly to the doctor treating you. Together you can look at the before and after photos and compare them objectively. I always suggest my patients to make a short check-up appointment after two to three weeks – if a small correction is necessary or because as a doctor you are happy to see a nice after-result and to hear this from the patient.

Too much hyaluronic acid injected – should the doctor have intervened beforehand?

This is often not immediately apparent, since fillers absorb different amounts of water or this also depends on the localization. Every filler is different. Therefore, a good doctor will always undercorrect something and order the patient for a check-up in two to four weeks. If necessary, a bit of filler can then easily be added – this is called touch up. Even with severe atrophy (a sunken face) it is better to distribute the necessary amount over two sessions – first about two thirds of the amount, then let it sit and then add some filler after two to four weeks. This also avoids “overstretching” the fabric.

How can you realistically classify your optimization requests yourself? One often loses sight of when it is “enough”.

Very good question! photos help. Because after just two weeks, our brain has forgotten. And definitely forget the old saying “Filler stays in the lips for six months”! The more often you have been treated, the longer the result lasts, as you also promote the stimulation of your own collagen. Last resort – as a doctor you have to slow down the patient and say no!

How do I recognize a technically incompetent doctor? What should you pay attention to?

One of the hardest questions. Because the technical description or the title alone does not say much about the technical knowledge. But if a doctor doesn’t listen to you at all or doesn’t even ask what you’re asking for, doesn’t examine you first or doesn’t take the time to explain the choice of treatment, the products used, the effects to be expected and potential side effects, but you immediately “urges” to sit on the chair, you should sit up and make a second appointment. One should think about it or consult another doctor for a second opinion. Aesthetic treatments should be questioned even more than medical or therapeutic treatments! Unfortunately, the exact opposite is often the case.

Source used: own interview


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