‘We’re devastated’, Julia Wendell’s family wants her to stop lying

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Julia Wendell maintains her speech: she claims to be Maddie McCann, the little girl who disappeared in 2007 while she was with her parents. Her family begs her to stop her lies.

For several weeks, this case has been causing a stir. Julia Wendell, 21, is a young woman of German origin living in Poland. She has the intimate conviction to be Maddie McCann, a little girl who disappeared at the age of 4 during her vacation in Portugal with her parentsin 2007. Several elements would allow him to justify this idea: firstly, physical similarities disturbing with the child, moles in identical locations, as well as an eye mark similar to that left by an ocular coloboma that Maddie wore.

As she submitted to several DNA tests of which she is still awaiting the results, Julia Wendell recently made new revelations. She says remember “light colored buildings, like white or a very light color…sunlight on that building” during his abduction. Fia Johansson, psychologist, medium and private detective hired by the young woman, absolutely wants lift the veil on this mystery : “It could be one of those memories she may have had when she was 3 years old. It could be the same building where Madeleine disappeared in 2007.” On the side of Julia Wendell’s family, this situation becomes hardly bearable. Through the Polish Organization of Missing Persons Missing Years Ago, his family released a statement on Facebook. According to them, “it’s obvious that Julia is not Maddie”.

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“She always wanted to be popular”Julia Wendell’s family begs her to stop lying

In this statement, members of the young woman’s family claim to have “memories” and “pictures” making “obvious that Julia is our daughter, granddaughter, sister, niece, cousin and niece-in-law”. They are convinced that Julia does all of this for fame. “Julia wanted to be a singer, a model. She always wanted to be popular. We are devastated by the current situation.” DNA test results will validate or contradict this idea. “I’m really looking forward to it and checking the status of the file every day”said the detective in charge of the case.

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