“We’re going into the hard”: the executive on a volcano

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The blockage in refineries and depots which spreads to other sectors plunges the power into the anguish of a new revolt.

By Mathilde Siraud

The president had to boost the morale of his troops, received at the Elysee on Thursday morning.
The president had to boost the morale of his troops, received at the Élysée on Thursday morning.

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Lhe night has just fallen on the Hôtel de Matignon. The procession of the Prime Minister tumbles into the courtyard at full speed. It is 8:56 p.m. on Monday, October 10. Elisabeth Borne climbs the steps of the main staircase four by four, sticks her head in her office, then immediately descends. The head of government, just back from her first international trip to Algiers, summoned four ministers and their chiefs of staff at the last minute for an emergency meeting at 9 p.m.

After a weekend of chaos in gas stations, images of motorists exasperated by fuel shortages and testimonials from professionals stuck in a loop on the news channels, the executive is finally going into crisis mode.

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