“What a headache”, Patrick Bruel with Pierre and Julien for the prime debrief

This Sunday, January 28, 2024, Patrick Bruel joined Cécile Chaduteau to attend the debrief of the Star Academy 2023 bonus during which Héléna was eliminated at the gates of the final. The opportunity for the singer to greet the two finalists and to underline the difficulty of deciding between them during the grand final.

Home straight for the residents of Dammarie-les-Lys castle. This Saturday, January 27, 2024, the public of the Star Academy 2023 wanted to send a male duo to the final, after the elimination of Héléna during the second part of the semi-finals. After three months of competition, the adventure stopped at the gates of the final for the young singer who, however, does not have to be ashamed of the progress she has made in the competition. Pierre and Julien can also be proud since they find themselves finalists of the Star Academy 2023.

It is up to them to defend their place for the last time in the competition, on Saturday February 3, 2024, during the final bonus of the season. If the atmosphere is very friendly between the two young men, this will not prevent the academicians from doing everything to emerge as the big winner of the Star Academy 2023. A goal that the two finalists have not lost sight of. This Sunday, January 28, 2024, Pierre and Julien were able to count on the opinion and advice of Patrick Bruel who joined Cécile Chaduteau for the needs of the debrief of the semi-final bonuses.

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Star Academy 2023: “You touched me a lot”, Patrick Bruel moved

“It’s moving to see you watching this. You express a lot in this song, there’s a lot going on. It’s pretty, it’s strong. That’s what’s very interesting about you two: your abilities to be very broad on the spectrum of registers. The common denominator is that you have a lot of emotions,” assures Patrick Bruel after watching the performances of Pierre and Julien in the semi-final. And to add: “Last night you touched me a lot. To see you watching it, it’s interesting.”

Cécile Chaduteau took advantage of this exchange to salute the mutual assistance and complicity between Héléna and Pierre during their performance. “We felt that there was something even if it’s a competition and even if obviously we prefer to win than not to win, that’s normal. Whatever the outcome, we felt that one was happy for the other,” added Patrick Bruel. After congratulating the two finalists of the Star Academy 2023the interpreter of the Café des Délices also expressed his concern.

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“You are so nice, you are accomplices. What a headache next Saturday to decide between you. There is no such thing as the 2 who win and then they form a group. The 2 be 2”, explained Patrick Bruel. Behind this touch of humor, the singer puts his finger on a point which seems to be unanimous among fans of the Star Academy 2023 : deciding between Pierre and Julien in the final is a more difficult task than it seems.

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