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Sciences Po Pais was the first French university to receive the Professional Equality label from AFNOR, but what actions have been put in place to achieve this result of 60% women among Sciences Po students?


What measures are being taken to guarantee gender equality?

Respecting the rights of others is everyone’s business. As a result, Sciences Po focuses on diversity and ensures the promotion of gender equality within its establishment. Awareness-raising actions are aimed at both teachers and students. They are based on around ten recommendations, in particular that of being able to express oneself freely in class.
Sciences Po ensures gender equality throughout the entire learning process and student life. For example, diversity is encouraged during group work, as well as during elections for the position of delegate. Diversity is also highlighted in the choice of course examples. Because improvements can come from students, Sciences Po encourages discussions and proposals concerning the issue of gender equality.
Thus, a sexist teacher has no place within the establishment on rue Saint-Guillaume. This is how the dance teacher at Sciences Po Paris was laid off last year and her course will not be renewed this year. Valérie was considered “old school” by Sciences Po students because she refused to see two women dancing together and to replace the terms “man and woman” with “leader-follower”.

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Where is the situation regarding gender equality?

Sciences Po’s admissions process is based on diversity of excellence. Entry into the IEP is open to holders of the baccalaureate, with a selection based on grades, course, a file, personal commitments and an oral test. Competition is very tough between candidates who have on average a one in 10 chance of being selected to join one of the Sciences Po campuses.
This is why many candidates choose to be supported during their high school years in order to prepare their Sciences Po file by private establishments, such as for example the Sciences Po Prep Course Thalèswhich is located in Paris and which serves as a reference to increase your chances of admission to the Institute of Political Studies.

Every day, the aufeminin editorial team reaches millions of women and supports them at all stages of their lives. The aufeminin editorial team is made up of committed and…

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