what are his character traits?


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Gemini season runs from May 21 to June 21. Babies born under this sign have very special characteristics. Lighting.

Each of the zodiac signs has its own character traits, good or bad. Just as there is no perfect sign, there is no sign to hate (often Gemini is the least beloved of the zodiac). During the Gemini season, this sign is honored. This is the ideal period for him to reveal himself and carry out projects, which suits the Gemini who loves to be in the action. It is the sign that is the most in communication : he likes to meet new people, to gather his friends around him, to have a good time… Life alone does not interest him.

We find this character trait from baby Gemini. It is not surprising that the latter tries to talk or communicate non-verbally with you very quickly. He’s a born talker! A Gemini baby is almost always in a good mood, he is (very) curious and will like to charm those around him to get attention. He is a baby who is always at ease with other children and who will try to build friendships with others. He is never alone and knows how to be appreciated by others because from an early age, he adapts.

What is the character of Gemini babies?

In addition to being curious and sociable, baby Gemini is also very playful. But he is also quite dispersed: staying focused on a puzzle or a book for too long is not his cup of tea. Interested in everything, he rarely takes the time to dwell on an activity: he immediately wants to do something else, to discover new adventures. When things don’t go his way, it can quickly upset him and he can throw a tantrum. But it gets better as he grows up, he has to learn to accept that everything can’t always be the way he wants.

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