what are the differences in symptoms with the flu?

The flu and the Covid-19 epidemic have some similarities, such as respiratory symptoms. But there are some important differences between the two. We take stock to better manage.

Fever, headaches, fatigue, runny nose, cough … The cold is back, just like the seasonal flu epidemic and the circulation of rhinoviruses (colds). In times of coronavirus, is it so easy to differentiate these three viral diseases? First, a little definition point. "Influenza is a respiratory infection that can cause serious complications in people at risk, such as pneumonia or the worsening of an already existing chronic disease (diabetes, heart or respiratory failure, etc.)", can we read on the website of the Ministry of Solidarity and Health. It manifests as a high fever, chills, headache, muscle pain, and a dry cough. "Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that cause illnesses ranging from a simple cold (some seasonal viruses are coronaviruses) to more severe illnesses (such as respiratory distress from MERS, SARS or COVID-19) ", details govern it.

Common points

The COVID-19 virus and the influenza virus have a similar clinical picture, anchored in respiratory manifestations. "The symptoms are very varied: while some subjects are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms, others have serious manifestations or even die", explains the World Health Organization. Another point of agreement between the two viruses is their transmission by contact (respiratory droplets and contagion). WHO therefore recalls that it is important that everyone take "the same public health measures (hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene consisting of coughing into the bend of the elbow or into a tissue that is thrown away immediately after use) to prevent infection."


First, you should know that each disease is linked to a specific virus:

  • The flu is linked to the influenza virus type A or B.
  • Covid-19 is linked to the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.
  • The common cold (nasopharyngitis) is very often linked to a rhinovirus.

The incubation period for influenza is shorter than for COVID-19, three days for one and five to six days for the other. For rhinoviruses, this usually varies between 48 and 72 hours. "The flu is much more brutal and violent, with high fever. The aches are more intense too, which is less seen in the coronavirus", declares GĂ©rald Kierzek, emergency doctor and medical director of Doctissimo.
During a cold, it is advisable to wash your nose and blow your nose to evacuate the mucus. Paracetamol is the only option indicated to counter the headache or the peak of fever. Regarding the influenza, the fever should be lowered with paracetamol. In the event of a cough, the syrup may optionally be prescribed. If there is a secondary bacterial infection, a doctor may prescribe antibiotics. No preventive or curative treatment has yet been established for the coronavirus. However, paracetamol is also recommended to treat the symptoms. Severe cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection can be treated in hospital with high-flow oxygen therapy or be artificially ventilated in intensive care.
There are antivirals and flu shots. "The flu shot is not effective against the COVID-19 virus, but it is strongly recommended that you get the flu shot every year to avoid getting the flu", says the WHO. "Overall, if you have flu-like symptoms and are not vaccinated, we're going to go for the flu", adds, meanwhile, Gerald Kierzek. There are no vaccines against COVID-19 to date, but multiple works are underway.