What are the main recommendations of the Bronner Commission on Disinfirmation?

FAKE NEWS – The Bronner commission, responsible for making proposals to fight disinformation, delivered its report to Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday, January 11.

Better understand the functioning of algorithms, promote “responsible advertising logic”, allow a request for redress when false information has caused harm … Here are the main proposals of the Bronner commission on disinformation, which delivered its report on Tuesday January 11 to Emmanuel Macron.

Better master algorithmic logic

To fight against “popularity bias”, which leads algorithms to favor the content provided by the most followed accounts, it is necessary “allow users to better represent the state of the network and the real prevalence of opinions by disabling popularity metrics and algorithmic editorialization by default“.

The report also suggests to “to encourage“increased monitoring of the biggest influencers by the platforms”in order to empower them“. We must also ensure that”on certain firmly established subjects, the algorithmic classification does not mislead the public on the real state of knowledge“and that the visibility given to the content reflects the”consensus“existing scientist.

No advertising funding for infox

The report suggests promoting “responsible advertising investment“, to prevent online advertising from funding disinformation or conspiratorial sites. Actors such as NewsGuard, Global Disinformation Index or Storyzy have just developed lists listing the sites to be avoided.

Generalist press sites should “ban sponsored links from their advertising spaces that lead to disinformation click-trap sites“and no longer appeal to”advertising companies associating them with such sponsored links“.

Better coordination in the face of foreign digital interference

The report proposes to set up a cooperation mechanism between platforms, institutions and academic communities to react quickly to foreign operations detected. He also recommends creating an interministerial digital governance mechanism, and a crisis management mechanism at European level.

Engage civil liability in the event of “false news”

The committee proposes to keep in its current wording article 27 of the law of July 29, 1881 on the freedom of the press which criminalizes the public dissemination of “false news” on digital communications networks and platforms. On the other hand, it proposes a new article of law which would make it possible to engage the civil responsibility of a Net surfer who disseminates in bad faith a false detrimental news, taking into account in particular “the audience level and digital popularity of its author“.

The Bronner commission also recommends that the Arcom (the former CSA) can be seized “by anyone who has encountered a difficulty in obtaining the intervention and cooperation of a platform in order to prevent or stop the massive distribution of content likely to convey false news that could disturb public order“. It also recommends that the platforms open to researchers access to their data – a provision which is being discussed in Brussels, in the draft European text on digital services (DSA).

Develop media and information literacy

The commission proposes to develop critical thinking and education in the media and information “a great national cause“, associating National Education and all training and education systems (regional educational projects, continuing training, etc.). It recommends systematizing training for students from primary school until after secondary school and for teachers in initial and continuing training. It suggests in particular to “map the cognitive difficulties most frequently encountered in students“.

Read also

  • Why the commission against disinformation and conspiracy is already a problem
  • Commission on conspiracy and disinformation: the decried Professor Guy Vallancien resigns

Finally, according to her, it is appropriate to seize the national pilot ethics committee on the issue of “metavers”, these virtual worlds juxtaposed with the physical world promoted by digital giants, such as Facebook. “The increasing immersion of users in digital worlds where the distinction between the real and the virtual is gradually fading can lead to ethical risks“, underlines the commission.

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