What are the most recurring nightmares and what do they mean?

There are nightmares that almost everyone experiences once in their life. We explain to you what they could mean about your state of mind!

According to Dr. Antonio Zadra, Director of the Dreams and Nightmares Research Laboratory at the University of Montreal “By definition, the nightmare is an unpleasant and trying dream where the predominant feeling is fear. Emotions can thus become so intense that they cause the sleeper to wake up.” What a bad night! If we are accustomed since childhood to have nightmares, once adult we can occasionally happen to suffer from very significant. Often these bad dreams intervene in periods when one is stressed, in the face of complex situations, or following a traumatic event. Be that as it may, it is sometimes difficult to decipher the message they are trying to convey to us. However, the dream is the perfect door to our unconscious and the analysis of our nightmares could well teach us a lot about ourselves! To begin to understand a little better what your bad dreams could mean to you, we explain the meanings behind them. the 10 most common nightmares.

fall, drown

One of the most common dreams is that of to feel oneself falling, like jumping out of a multi-storey building. A distressing feeling against which we can absolutely nothing. Its meaning is similar to another common dream, that of drowning. These two types of nightmares could correspond to a letting go, a loss of control in the face of a situation that one wishes to get out of in real life. According to other theories, these dreams would occur during an overload of work inducing a very important stress that we would not know how to externalize and which accumulates in us. The feeling of falling is also found in bad dreams involving elevators. These nightmares would be linked to emotional imbalance in addition to loss of control.


For some sleep specialists, dreams where you feel like you’re being hunted could be your subconscious’s way of prepare to face real threats. Like a test simulation that would allow us to better assimilate strong emotions. This is the reason why this type of nightmares is very common. According to Freud, dreams in which one feels pursued manifest the individual’s anxietyregardless of the seriousness of their concern.

die in a dream

If you saw yourself dying in a dream, don’t panic, you won’t put the gun to the left in reality! On the contrary, nightmares involving our own death rather symbolize a form of rebirth in the face of a situation that weighs heavily on us. On the other hand, if you are killed in a violent way, be careful. You are certainly facing a difficult situation, jealousies, betrayals, etc. which affect you a lot. The reconstruction may be complicated.

have a car accident

Many people have at least once in their life the bad dream of having a car accident. This nightmare could come a little closer to the meaning of a dream of falling or drowning. Indeed if you dream of having a car accident it can be your subconscious alerting you to the danger of losing control in some aspect of your personal life. The car can also be a symbolic way for your brain to reflect your image in society. A damaged car could then indicate a fear of losing social status, for example.

Get naked in public

Finding yourself naked in public places is definitely one of the most well-known and recurring nightmares that exists. Whether at school, at work, on the street or even just in front of a particular person, it is an absolute obsession for many people. This nightmare could be a way for your subconscious to show a feeling of inferiority, or a feeling of vulnerability in relation to a problem that you experience in your daily life. Maybe you feel anxious about a situation you find yourself in and fear you won’t be up to it.

Get locked up

In a prison, in your house or in a room from which you cannot escape, it is a particularly distressing and particularly common nightmare! In terms of its meaning, obviously it can symbolize feeling trapped in a situation that you are facing in your real life. However, your reaction to this confinement greatly changes the reading of this nightmare. If you’re looking to break free, it’s because you are on your way to getting rid of the things that weigh you down in life, you may soon be able to overcome your worries. If, on the other hand, you do not react and accept the confinement imposed on you, it is because you are probably in a situation of submission in reality. It’s time to try to regain your free will!

Dreaming about insects

If your nightmares are filled with swarming insects, it may be related to some form of phobia, but other explanations are possible. Flying insects, which turn in clouds like flies, wasps or even bees, could symbolize obsessions or toxic thoughts that poison your life. Crawling insects could be a representation of putrefaction and of fear of death.

Take or fail an exam

When you dream of not being ready for an exam or a meeting, or even being late for work, your subconscious may be trying to express you. a feeling of vulnerability. An intense fear of being seen for who you really are, even what you choose to hide. It could also be simply because you are stressing about an upcoming deadline… for example if you have an exam or a big meeting soon. In this case, the symbolism is rather clear.

A machine or telephone that does not work

Already in everyday life, the breakdowns of the technology that surrounds us can be very anxiety-provoking! Remember that for many people, these anxieties can one day follow them into their sleep! To dream that your phone or some machine is not working can be symptomatic of a feeling of loss. It may be an alert from your subconscious that you are drifting away from someone close to you., whether physically or emotionally. This can come from a feeling of having created a barrier with those around you without wanting to.

lose your teeth

A rather surprising nightmare which is nevertheless very common and well known, that of losing one or more teeth. Teeth are the source of a phobia for many people around the world, and losing them in a dream can have many different meanings. We often hear that the loss of our teeth during a nightmare would be the assurance of imminent death: this is not the case according to specialists in the decryption of dreams. For them it would most likely bean anguish linked to his own disappearancewithout representing a Damocles sword.

Why do nightmares appear?

According to Doctor Antonio Zadra, women would be much more prone to unpleasant dreams. It must be said that they are more affected by anxiety and depression, which, according to him, could explain this difference. In general, bad dreams appear in stressful periods of our lives. This is obvious in the case of people who have suffered significant trauma (disasters, wars, physical and sexual violence, breakups, etc.), who often describe the appearance of bad dreams. On the contrary, one can notice the gradual disappearance of these nightmares when the trauma subsides. During laboratory experiments on sleep, we notice that even people accustomed to nightmares have very few of them. This would tend to demonstrate that the occurrence of bad dreams is very related to the context in which one sleeps.

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