what are the risks and treatments for the baby and the mother-to-be?

A urinary tract infection, more commonly known as cystitis, is a big enemy of the bladder. Fearsome, it can be incomparably painful. Although it is often mild, cystitis can get worse if it is not treated properly. What are the risks for a pregnant woman? Is it dangerous for baby? How to treat it during pregnancy? We tell you everything!

Urinary tract infection. A long-standing enemy commonly referred to as cystitis. A sweet word that echoes in our heads like the sound of a drill at 6am. Its pain and tenacity are well known to be as dreadful as a baby's cries when hungry. Cystitis is an infection that affects one or more parts of the urinary system: the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra.

Our dear and tender can be manifested by severe pain, a terrible burning sensation during the emission of urine, sometimes by abdominal pain. More rarely, the victim of this horrible dirt can trigger a fever. The sensations are extremely unpleasant and are difficult to calm.

To fuel the hatred against this infection (as if it weren't big enough already …), it is women who are most affected by UTIs. Because a woman's urethra is shorter, bacteria have an easier time getting in. It seems that 2-3% of adult women get cystitis every year. Great news ! Just hearing the word "cystitis" can send chills to some of us, it is far more terrifying than a horror movie.

Usually mild and fairly easy to treat, however, cystitis can sometimes get worse and cause more damage. Specifically in pregnant women – due to the pressure exerted by the baby on the urinary system – who are considered to be at risk for this type of infection.

The different types of urinary tract infections (yes, there are several …)

In infectious cystitis, the bacteria Escherichia coli are found in the urine. It is the most common form of urinary tract infection. We are talking about inflammation of the bladder, which results from an intestinal bacteria (Escherichia coli) which multiplies and comes to settle in the anus. Because the anus and vulva are very close to each other in women, the bacteria reach the bladder through the urethra.
This bacteria will then interfere with the evacuation of urine and increase the risk of cystitis because of the retention of the fluid. This is when the bacteria will proliferate and take place! Cystitis is always accompanied by inflammation of the urethra called urethritis.

  • Infectious urethritis

It is a sexually transmitted infection (STI). More common in men, it also affects women. It is usually chlamydia and gonococcus (more commonly known as “hot piss”) that cause urethritis.
The infection then starts in the urethra, the conduit that connects the bladder to the outside. It is very dangerous because it can lead to other infections, such as prostatitis in men.

It is a much more serious form of urinary tract infection. Can result from bacterial inflammation such as untreated or poorly treated cystitis, it directly attacks the kidneys. The bacteria already present in the bladder then move up to the kidneys. It is called acute pyelonephritis, and occurs most often in women.
There is also chronic pyelonephritis, this time related to anatomical deformities such as a narrowing of the urethra, urinary stones and in the worst case a tumor of the bladder. This form of infection is often diagnosed in children.

Pyelonephritis affects women between 15 and 65 years old, and must be treated as soon as possible.

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Causes and symptoms of urinary tract infection

The causes of urinary tract infection

Cystitis lurks in us and can fall on us at any time. He is an extremely wild and motivated predator. The urinary system has many defenses that prevent bacteria from reaching and growing in the urinary tract. For example, the acidity of the urine destroys bacteria, the smooth walls of the urethra make it difficult to climb into the bladder (like a kind of slide). The wall of the bladder which holds immune cells and antibacterial substances as well as the immune system in itself will protect the urinary tract as much as possible.

But the cystitis is persistent. Its bacteria can get into the urine anyway. Usually, Escherichia coli and STIs are the causes. More rarely, cystitis can develop through another infection elsewhere in the body. In addition, drinking very little water is an aggravating factor. The liquid cannot help flush out bacteria and cleanse the body during urination.

In pregnant women, it is common to develop urinary tract infections. Indeed, the baby's weight on organs such as the bladder, frequent urination, physiological and hormonal changes are factors that attract cystitis. These phenomena make the bladder less able to reject bacteria and let them come back to it more easily.

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Can intercourse cause cystitis?

Symptoms of urinary tract infection

In the case of a mild urinary tract infection, the symptoms are unpleasant, but without real dangers. We have :

  • A feeling of burn, of pinching or from pain when urinating
  • A want to urinate much more often than normal (even for a few drops)
  • A feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen see persistent pain
  • Of cloudy or cloudy urine releasing a stench
  • One can find traces of blood in the urine, in which case it will be orange

Often, pregnant women do not realize that they have a urinary tract infection. Indeed, the symptoms of cystitis are very similar to the sensations of pregnancy, such as a frequent urge to urinate or heaviness in the lower abdomen. It is therefore essential to be careful and not to hesitate to contact your doctor for suspected infection, even if it means dealing with a false alarm.

In the case of a inflammation of the kidneys, or pyelonephritis, the symptoms are much more worrying. They should not be taken lightly:

  • Of very intense pain in the lower dos (kidneys), of the abdomen and sexual organs
  • Of the fever over 40 degrees
  • Of chills
  • Of vomiting
  • In 60% of cases of cystitis symptoms

If these symptoms appear during pregnancy, it is essential to get to the hospital as soon as possible for further examinations.

The risks of urinary tract infections in pregnant women

Since the symptoms of cystitis are less noticeable in pregnant women, it is more difficult for the mother-to-be to detect the infection. If initially a urinary tract infection is completely safe for the mother and her baby, pyelonephritis is very harmful.

If cystitis is not diagnosed or treated, in a few days it can develop into inflammation of the kidneys. The latter must be treated immediately because the fever is high and the pain intense. Often, emergency hospitalization is carried out. We are talking about an emergency, because there is a risk of sepsis – infection that spreads through the blood initially through the body – which could be fatal for the baby as well as for the mother.

On the other hand, pyelonephritis can cause contractions to start. The risk of premature labor is then increased tenfold. The baby will be born very lightly. Very rarely and only in the most serious cases, there is a risk of death in utero.

We reassure you, these complications are extremely rare. Treating cystitis is far from complicated, although painful. Pyelonephritis is also very treatable. The key is to be vigilant.

If you have any doubts, ask your doctor or gynecologist for advice.

Urinary tract infection treatment

In case of benign urinary tract infections (cystitis, urethritis)

A bacterial UTI is easy to cure with antibiotics. The healing is rather rapid, there are drugs acting in one take, or during treatments ranging from 3, 7 to 14 days. Antibiotics are often prescribed blindly and then adjusted according to the urine results.

Usually, the more than unpleasant symptoms disappear between 24 and 48 hours after taking the treatment completely and rigorously. If the infection persists, the antibiotics chosen were not suited to the germs in the body.

In pregnant women, the treatment is generally the same as outside pregnancy. As for women who are not pregnant, antibiotics against the bacteria Escherichia coli will be prescribed. After an ECBU (urine examination to be carried out in biological laboratories), the treatment will simply be adapted according to the germ found. To be reassured about the antibiotics prescribed, you can go to lecrat.fr to find all the precautions for use.

Do not panic ! Even though cystitis appears serious with its often very painful symptoms and despite the blood in the urine, there is nothing to worry about. If the treatment is taken on time and carefully, baby is not at risk and neither will you!

In case of inflammation of the kidneys (pyelonephritis)

Although pyelonephritis can be treated with a high dose of antibiotics taken by mouth and followed for about 14 days, in pregnant women, hospitalization is preferred. To prevent all risks and have full control over inflammation, the mother-to-be remains under observation and often receives the treatment through the veins. Again, no risk for the baby.

If the kidney infection is caught and cured on time, there will be no harm to the infant and no harm to the mother.

4 tips to relieve a urinary tract infection

What to do to avoid urinary tract infections?

Don't worry, there are some great cystitis prevention techniques out there that will help you fight this infection. She is determined, but not indomitable! The tips for preventing cystitis are:

  • TO DRINK A LOT OF WATER. This is the best advice and also the best enemy of UTI. It is already advisable to drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day for good health, but it is advisable to increase the amount if you suspect cystitis. If drinking water is painful for you, you can use it in infusions, in broths, in juice, with squeezed lemon… As you wish!
  • Wipe from front to back after urinating or having a bowel movement. This way, we preserve the urethra and prevent bacteria present in the anus from reaching the vulva, and therefore the bladder.
  • Urinate after sex, in order to eliminate all bacteria present in the urethra.
  • Use mild soaps with neutral pH for hygiene of the genitals. Please note: do not wash the inside of the vagina! It has a self-cleaning function!
  • Use lubricated condoms and water soluble lubricants to prevent irritation or allergic problems.
  • Avoid foods and drinks deemed aggressive for the bladder like coffee, tea, asparagus and spices.
  • Don't refrain from going to the bathroom! This will help kill the bacteria as the day goes on. They won't have time to settle down.
  • Do not treat your cystitis yourself without the advice of a doctor. Improper use of antibiotics can make the infection worse. We would like to avoid emergencies!

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4 grandmother's remedies to relieve symptoms of urinary tract infection

How to treat a urinary tract infection during pregnancy?

You will understand, cystitis is a very good fighter and loves to bother us. She shows up without warning and can lock us in bed for days! But don't panic, she is safe when she is treated on time. As much for the pregnant woman as for the others!

Although her pain is fierce and at times excruciating, the UTI is not without flaw and is easily treated. Be careful, however, to take your treatment as prescribed. In any case, do not panic, baby is not risking anything.

We will beat cystitis!