what are the rituals to perform?


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The full moon in Virgo is an opportunity to perform rituals. Which ? Shana Lyes, astrologer, answers us.

The full moon in Virgo takes place on March 18, 2022. “This moon represents the end of dreams, of abstract concepts (which characterize the season of Pisces), to return to solid ground, the concrete: the land of Virgo, earth sign”explains astrologer Shana Lyes, also author of Love at Hatchet.

The sign of Virgo is characterized by a very Cartesian aspect, always in action and down to earth, while the energy of Pisces is introspection, it is turned towards oneself and one’s emotions. “This full moon comes to alert you: you have taken the time to reflect, to do some introspection in March under the energy of Pisces, now is the time to act.

To benefit from all its energies, you can carry out small rituals that are easy to do and accessible to all. Which ? Astrologer Shana Lyes answers us.

Read also: Astro: what impact does the arrival of spring have on each sign?

Full moon in Virgo: what are the rituals to perform?

“First of all, I recommend plan for spring by setting medium-term goals. Also remember to clearly indicate the steps to be taken to achieve your objectives. says Shana Lyes. “The energy of Virgo is that of organization, of professional success.”

The astrologer also advisesincorporate good habits into your daily life : “This is an opportunity to establish good habits: more sport, a balanced diet, developing an evening or morning routine…” You also have to take the time to listen to yourself.

“Enjoy this full moon to make your wellness schedule, light a candle, light incense, fit well-being activities into your calendar…”says Shana Lyes. “The energy of Virgo is also that of health, healing, organization and thoroughness…” We must take advantage of this full moon to “to be in letting go, to be in receiving it because the full moon arrives three days before the Equinox, when the time will be for action and not for feeling.”

Maude loves to deal with practical subjects, whether they relate to psychology, sex, well-being, and even astro. She also deciphers new fashion trends. She takes …

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