what becomes of little Jesse, Jason James Richter

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It was in 1993, almost 30 years ago, that the first part of Sauvez Willy was released, a real critical and commercial success! So many years later, what becomes of the actor who lent his features to young Jesse in the film, Jason James Richter? Zoom on his journey.

If you were already born in the 90s, it is impossible that you missed out on the worldwide cinematic success Save Willy. Directed by Simon Wincer, the film follows the story of Willy, a male orca, who has been captured and sold to a dolphinarium in the city of Portland. It is in this context where the animal is exploited that an orphan and rebellious little boy, Jesse, is forced to clean up the graffiti he has made in the dolphinarium. From there a very beautiful story of friendship is created between the orca and the little boy who will do everything possible to save Willy from the fate that awaits him.

This moving story marked a whole generationwith its two sequels in 1995 and 1997, Jason James Richter, the actor who plays Jesse, becomes a planetary star. But more than 30 years later, has he retained his notoriety and continued to shoot? Today aged 43 yearshe was 13 when the first film was released, Jason James Richter seems to keep from very good memories of this shooting as he entrusts to the microphone of Daily Beast in 2013. He talks about his first encounter with the orca Keiko who played Willy in the film as a ” pure moment of fascination » before adding : «You don’t see the danger. When you’re 11, you just think, “Oh my God, a whale! It’s incredible ! It’s going to be awesome !” If I was 17, I might have thought, “This thing is going to rip my hand off,” but at 11, you just think, “Wow, cool. Let me touch her.” »

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A rocky film career

After shooting in all of the films Save Willyin the 90s, Jason James Richter joined a few other film sets, The Robbersons Investigate, The Neverending Story 3or Laserhawk . But from the late 90sthe young man is rather rare on our screens. He did not tour at all from 1998 to 2009 to return to the set that same year on the occasion of an episode of season 4 of bones .

During this long break, he takes the opportunity to focus on music, and joined several groups as a guitarist. The 2010s allowed him to return for a few roles in various films before being talked about again in the tabloid press in 2018 when he was convicted of domestic violence on his girlfriend. He was then sentenced to four days in prison and a 36-month probationary period for vandalism. In 2021Jason James Richter finally seems take back your career since he plays in two films of a more interesting caliber: the comedy Last Calland the thrillerA matter of small detailswith Denzel Washington.

The people? Everyone! Passionate about media, networks, series, films, and investigative investigations of all kinds, it is natural that Jessica turned to writing and that she takes…

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