what difference with the body weight index? Here are the explanations from a doctor

The whole world has already heard the IMC talking about the body weight indicator, but little does it know what the body weight indicator is. While some specialists point out that this new index will soon take the place of the famous IMC in weight measurements, according to nutritionist Jean-Michel Cohen, the information is not to be taken at the foot of the letter.

The IMC has been a great help to doctors for years; the reference index helps to determine whether the balance between weight and size of a person is well respected. It is said that this can confirm if a person is well looked after and appears to be obese. If the Body Mass Index is therefore the highest measurement unit known in the environment, after a few months another has appeared: the Body Circumference Index called IRC. Although this term has become more popular these last months, it doesn’t stop there, we think about it.

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It is in 2013 that the IRC was proposed for the first time to take into account more factors than the IMC to determine the surpluses of a person: in excess of weight and size, it also takes including the waist circumference and in some cases even the hips. It is a study published in the scientific journal JAMA Network Open Chinese and American researchers say that the IRC will be more effective than the IMC in assessing risks related to surpluses such as cardiovascular diseases, for example.

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Why would the IRC be better than the IMC?

For scientists, waist measurements which are at the level of the abdomen or hips allow for a better assessment of the presence of excess fat. « Our results provide convincing results from the application of the IRC as a non-invasive and easy-to-obtain sampling tool for estimating mortality risk and identifying high-risk individuals», indicating the researchers for the study before pouring in: «This new concept could be integrated into public health practice while awaiting consistent validation in other independent studies».

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To reach these conclusions, scientists indicate that they have examined around 33 000 patients for around 20 years. Displeased with the group of these elements, the doctor and nutritionist, Jean-Michel Cohen, explained why he did not see this new index as replacing the IMC atTop Santé: “It’s a calculation nightmare. This index makes the Pi code appear, a square root… In practice, it cannot be used by a single person. I’m not even sure that nutritionists use it because it’s too difficult to calculate. It is quite complex that people are not embarrassed».

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Why is the IMC limited?

But strangely enough, the doctor realized that the IMC has its limits because it cannot take into account its muscle calculation. If the IMC scale is used, an adult average is found in excess when the index is between 30 and 34.9 kg/m², and in excess when it is between 35 and 39.9 kg/m², causing the doctor to explain that in certain cases we cannot rely on these figures: «My gym pro weighs 105 kg for 1.80 m. He is a 30 plus IMC and is a ball of muscle. Muscle mass weighs heavy and is not dangerous for your health. Conversely, you can have a person with a 24-hour IMC who has a large belly, meaning that the fat mass is intra-abdominal and that the patient is slightly muscular. And so, this individual is at risk for the metabolic plan».

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This is why it is always primary to assist in deciphering this index through the additional exams. A situation that seeks to avoid the body gyro index in reporting “the body weight index according to the morphology of an individual. He’s not idiotic, but in practice he doesn’t see very well what he says. Obesity and surplus cases, whether visible on the eye or on a balance», concludes the doctor. For those who really want to know more about abdominal fat and who are not ready to use the IRC, Jean-Michel Cohen recommends another technique: «I see me in principle two things: the waist belt which does not have to be over 101 for a man and 88 for a woman, and the IMC which remains an average value. It’s bottom of the range, but it can be served. I make a report between the waist circumference, which is the most important, and the IMC.»

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