What do you do in 7 minutes? ChatGPT codes an entire application for you

Alexandre Boero

September 14, 2023 at 3:00 p.m.


ChatGPT AI © DANIEL CONSTANTE / Shutterstock.com

© DANIEL CONSTANTE / Shutterstock.com

The technological revolution is on the fringes: AI robots are transforming software development by producing applications at lower cost, but, above all, in record time.

Artificial intelligence takes control! A new study reveals how AI-powered conversational bots, including OpenAI’s ChatGPT, run a technology business by coding software in less than 7 minutes, all for less than $1. A new feat that could be a game-changer in software development. We’ll explain it to you.

Software development at ChatGPT speed!

Researchers at Brown University in the United States have created an artificial intelligence-based software development company, tasking it with developing 70 different programs.

AI supported each of the four stages of the process: from design to coding, testing and documentation. The AI ​​robots then each took on a specific role, working autonomously to create quality software.

And the results, you ask? They are amazing. ChatDev, the name of this real fake AI-based company, managed to complete the software development process from A to Z in just 7 minutes, at an average cost of less than $1. So who says better?

code coding © jamesmarkosborne / Pixabay

© jamesmarkosborne / Pixabay

Advances that could benefit young developers

What is even more astonishing is that the astonishing efficiency of the process is accompanied by the capacity of artificial intelligence to identify and resolve potential vulnerabilities, thanks to its qualities of self-reflection and memory.

But while these results are promising, the study acknowledges the limitations of AI, including errors and biases in language models. She still suggests that these advances could ultimately be beneficial for young developers and engineers, by offering exciting prospects for the future, as with the new Meta model for example.

AI robots are not limited to software development. They are already used in various industries, which can range from finding an apartment for a German coder to creating software at Amazon. In any case, AI shows once again its incredible potential. Chatbots like ChatGPT pave the way for rapid and economical software development, undoubtedly at the origin of the models of tomorrow.



  • Chat in different languages, including French
  • Generate, translate and obtain a text summary
  • Generate, optimize and correct code

Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is a conversational chatbot based on artificial intelligence technology and the GPT-4 language model. Using deep learning methods and research data, this online application understands and responds to user queries intuitively. The service generates personalized and targeted responses, thus optimizing the user experience.

Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is a conversational chatbot based on artificial intelligence technology and the GPT-4 language model. Using deep learning methods and research data, this online application understands and responds to user queries intuitively. The service generates personalized and targeted responses, thus optimizing the user experience.

Source : Business Insider

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