What does “DLC” mean? meaning and use


While gambling you are offered a DLC and you don’t know what the abbreviation stands for? Here we show you what it means and how to use it.

What does “DLC” mean? (Source: monkeybusiness / depositphotos.com)

This means “DLC”: Downloadable Content

The abbreviation “DLC” comes from the gaming language and stands for the English expression “Downloadable Content”. Translated into German, this means “downloadable content” and means extensions for video games, which can usually be obtained for a fee.

These DLCs often only appear weeks after the release of a game and cost between 2 and 40 euros. These extra costs have been criticized because some games alone cost more than 60 euros and the DLCs can be seen as a good money maker in this case.


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You can only get the game pack via a download, which is available after purchase. The new content will then be added to the game. The expansions can provide you with completely new story content, such as missions, but also items such as weapons or outfits.

This is how “DLC” is used

Platforms such as “Steam”, “Origin” or “PlayStation Network” often use the abbreviation DLC to name the respective extensions for popular games. But DLC is also an established term in the world of gamers. So you can use the abbreviation to exchange information with other players about expansion packs.

Here are examples of using “DLC”:

  • “Most of the DLC are so coveted that you even get an announcement with their own release date and trailer.” (computerbild.de)
  • “Bruh, have you picked up the Witcher III DLC yet?”
  • “Dude no, I’m way too broke at the moment.”

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