What does “DM” mean? meaning and use


You’re asked by someone if you’ve read your “DMs” and you don’t know what they mean? Here we tell you the meaning and use of the expression.

What does “DM” mean? (Source: alphaspirit / depositphotos.com)

This means “DMs”: Direct Messages

The abbreviation “DMs” stands for “Direct Messages”. Translated into German, it means “direct messages”. This means social media messages sent to you personally, excluding group chats and feed posts.

The abbreviation “DMs” is very common, especially in English-speaking countries. But the expression “slide into the DMs” has also become established in the German youth language and in online dating.


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This is how “DMs” is used

You can use the abbreviation “DMs” anytime you refer to your private messages. It doesn’t matter whether you’re talking about Instagram, Tinder, WhatsApp or other social media.

Here are some examples of how to use “DMs” correctly:

  • “Are you okay? I sent you several DMs but no reply.. hmu!”
  • “I matched with a guy who texts me 30 DMs a day, arghh.”
  • “Just text him that he f*cks you and that’ll take care of it lol.”
  • “No, I’d rather ghost him.”

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