What does “EP” mean? meaning and use


Someone uses the abbreviation “EP” in gaming and you’re wondering what that means? Here you can find out more about the meaning and use of the abbreviation.

What does “EP” mean? (Source: Gorodenkoff / depositphotos.com)

That means “EP”: experience points (gaming)

The abbreviation “EP” stands for the gaming term “experience points”. These are collected in some games to level up a level. Sometimes the abbreviation “Exp.” is used instead. used to abbreviate the English term “experience points”. “EP” is obtained when, for example, you have solved a difficult task or won a fight.

This is how you can use “EP”.

When you talk about your experience points in a game, you can also use the abbreviation “EP”. Your chat partners should know the abbreviation, since it also appears in games like “Pokémon” or “Dark Souls”.


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Here are examples of how “EP” is used:

  • “Bruh, there are still a few XP left until my next level.”
  • “If you defeat the boss, you’ll get a lot of XP.”

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