What does “Epic Fail” mean? meaning and use


One speaks of an ”Epic Fail” when something goes really wrong. The former gamer term has now also arrived in everyday life. Find out more in our definition of terms.

We explain the term “Epic Fail” to you. (Source: Avesun/ depositphotos.com)

That means Epic Fail: complete failure, total failure

The term ”Epic Fail” is used when someone has completely failed at something. “Epic” means “epic” in German and means something like powerful or overwhelming. A “fail”, on the other hand, is more likely to be spoken of when it comes to a failure. In the German translation, “Epic Fail” means “enormous failure”.

origin in gaming

Originally, Epic Fail was used by gamers and was used, for example, when a shot on goal was missed or someone made other serious mistakes that ultimately led to defeat. The term was also often used in the case of particularly significant defeats. In the meantime, however, it has also arrived in everyday life.


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Epic fails in everyday life

If, for example, a candidate on a quiz show is so stupid when asked the million dollar question that he goes home with 50 euros, even though he actually would have known the answer, then that is an epic fail. But even if an excavator driver accidentally demolishes an entire new building at work, he has committed an epic fail.

In general, the term applies to many situations in everyday life. However, you have to be careful not to get too much in the area of ​​malicious joy. In the case of really serious injuries or accidents, the term should therefore be avoided.

Other abbreviations and terms

If you are interested in other terms such as “vape”, “snap” or “expose”, check out our overview.

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