What does “FTFY” mean? meaning and use


Someone uses the abbreviation “FTFY” in the comments and you don’t know what that means? We’ll tell you what’s behind it and how you use it.

Here you can find out what the abbreviation “FTFY” means. (Source: Syda_Productions / depositphotos.com)

That means FTFY: Fixed That For You

The abbreviation “FTFY” stands for the English phrase “Fixed That For You”, which means something like “I fixed that for you”. This catchphrase introduces a statement that corrects or improves a previous one. In Internet language, the abbreviation is mostly used sarcastically.

Alternatively, the somewhat unwieldy abbreviation “IFTPFY” is used, which stands for “I Fixed That Post For You”. This abbreviation means “I improved the post for you”, which is essentially the same as “FTFY”.


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This is how you use FTFY

You can use the abbreviation “FTFY” even in internet discussions when correcting an incorrect comment with your reply. The abbreviation is no longer only known in topic-specific forums, but can also be found in threads on Reddit or Twitter. Here you should always pay attention to the mood of the discussion, since “FTFY” quickly accompanies a constructive solution and exposes the other person as Dulli.

Not only content and grammatical corrections can be introduced with “FTFY”, of course, the abbreviation is also part of the meme culture. In this context, “FTFY” is mostly used synonymously with “make it worse”. Here are a few examples of “FTFY”:

  • Person A: “Green, green, green are all my ducklings.”
  • Person B: “Green, green, green are all my clothes, FTFY.”
  • Person A: “Breaking news: NFTs worth millions have been reported stolen!”
  • Person B: “Several ‘millions’ worth of NFTs were reported ‘stolen’ – FTFY.”

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Abbreviations and their meanings

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