What does “haunting” mean? meaning and use


Someone talks about their ex, uses the term “haunting” and you don’t know what is meant? Find out here what is behind it and how to use the word.

What does “haunting” mean? (Source: Y-Boychenko / depositphotos.com)

The dating term “haunting” comes from the English and comes from the verb “to haunt”, which means “to follow” in German. Unlike ghosting, with haunting a match or ex doesn’t just leave us behind.

Even if you no longer write or talk to each other during “haunting”, you are in contact on social media by secretly looking at stories or by giving likes. So “haunting” describes the phenomenon when an ex continues to follow you on social media even though you broke up.


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This is how “haunting” is used

Is your ex still your loyal follower on Instagram or other social media platforms? Then you might get “haunted”. If this person is still checking out your stories, or liking every picture you have, you may be dealing with haunting. If this behavior bothers you, you can easily block the person.

Here are examples of how to use “Haunting”:

  • “Wow, my ex does real haunting on Insta. He just liked three of my stories, wtf?”
  • “Why is she still watching every one of my stories? I srsly don’t get it.”

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