What does “IMM” mean? meaning and use


You discover the abbreviation “IMM” on a Tinder profile and wonder what it could mean? You can read more about the meaning and use of the abbreviation here.

What does “IMM” mean? (Source: deagreez1 / depositphotos.com)

That means “IMM”: something with media

The abbreviation “IMM” indicates a person’s professional field, as it stands for “Something with media”. Since the 2010s, new professions in the field of media or social media have emerged, the exact name of which does not mean much to the uninitiated.

The job title “Something with media” came about out of a mocking attitude, because people from the outside didn’t understand what these jobs are really good for. Many people from the media industry use the term, which is meant rather negatively, as a self-designation with a wink.


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This is how “IMM” can be used

If you also have something to do with media professionally, you can include “IMM” in your profile description on social media or Tinder and Co. This shows potential matches that you don’t take everything super srsly. However, you should be aware that not many people know “IMM” as an abbreviation and should therefore be prepared for questions.

Here are examples of using “IMM”:

  • “FFS, I’ve got another match with an IMM guy. I haven’t had a great experience with that lol.”
  • In the dating app profile: “Leon, 23, IMM and a native of Berlin. Let’s meet quickly in rl.”

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